Saturday 31 October 2020

{Hierarchy of Resonances}[5th January 1990]

[Redbook7:12-13][19900105:1655c]{Hierarchy of Resonances}[5th January 1990]



So far as the hierarchy* of other resonances** is concerned { – ( } the Scaling of Gearing*** cannot really be seen in this way, since as we have seen the influence of a cycle’s degree on an event is directly related to the significance of the event in the life of the institution to which that cycle applies,**** ie which that cycle describes { ) – } so far as the hierarchy of other resonances is concerned, it seems from experience# to vary according to the institution described (or the length of the period?).

For example, I feel that in my life contra-rotation has been important, as well as radial resonance. But although radial resonance is important in historical cycles#* – particularly the larger periods – I find no consistency of contra-rotation as between one historical cycle and another. (Circumferential resonance, or ‘creep’, inevitably seems to occur everywhere.)

This inconsistency of contra-rotation as between cycles may be due to the fact that, unlike the other, more ‘mechanical’ resonance(s), contra-rotation uniquely depends upon the outcome of decisions made at C, the crisis point, for that particular cycle: so it may be present to a greater or lesser extent, or absent (whether and when it can be entirely absent is a theoretical question).

*[Underlining inserted later]

**cf III ? [Possibly [Redbook3:98][19870404:1005f]{Resonance}[4th April 1987]]

earlier Vol

[& see last two previous entries]

***ref [last two previous entries] 10-11


#{ie empirically}

#*(especially near CO?) [sic – = Co?]



Friday 30 October 2020

{Scale and Scaling [continued]}[5th January 1990]

[Redbook7:10-11][19900105:1655b]{Scale and Scaling [continued]}[5th January 1990]



Scaling is more* critical in the context of Human History [sic], and requires careful consideration and judgement. But we can start by establishing the lengths of periods which indicate the lives of particular institutions, and then simply allowing{,} in these cycles{,} only the events which play a significant part in the lives of these institutions.

For example, the current cycle of of the Christian Church** seems clearly to be a 2048 year cycle, given its initial and current features, and broad trends in the history of the Church as a whole seem to support this: local events in particular sects are of less significance in that cycle.

Similarly the cycle of ‘Barbarian’ or Germanic Europe, which appears to be the same, should only take account of matters of broad significance to that Europe.

The histories of European nation-states are unlikely to rise and fall on anything greater than a 1024 year cycle, judging by their histories to date. Within these, recurring patterns may occur at shorter intervals: the shorter the interval,*** the less the significance of events conforming to its pattern. Why I should have been able to find a 64-year cycle**** I don’t know, except that[:]

(a) it represents the approximate working life of modern/civilised Man; and

(b) it is 82.

83, of course, is 512 years, which is the approximate period of the modern age to date; 84 is 4096 years, which may be the approximate period of the European cultural cycle to date, since Indo-Europeans entered Greece and the Minoan civilisation began on Crete.#

*[See last previous entry]

**ref VI.... [probably [Redbook6:242][19890912:1140j]{Historical Circles (3) [continued (3)]}[12th September 1989](ff)]

***{(ie so strongly)}

****(85 = 32,768 years, which has no significance that I know of.)

#{& of the Judao-Christian (& Judao-Islamic) cycle to date.}


Thursday 29 October 2020

{Scale and Scaling}[5th January 1990]

[Redbook7:10-11][19900105:1655]{Scale and Scaling}[5th January 1990]


It is obvious that a system of circles or cycles of doubling periods through time will allow any point to be covered by a variety of degrees: particularly so, when circumferential resonance* up to 45o ** (c1/8th) is taken into account (as well as radial resonance*** and contra-rotation****).

For example, the date 1536 represents the G~/m~ degree of the 0 – 2048ce cycle. But it also represents the A~ point of the 1024 – 2048 cycle, and of course the C~ point between 2 x 500 [sic]# year cycles. Leaving aside the other resonances#* and the overlap (or confusion) caused by them, which can generally be resolved by comparison of the relative strengths of resonances (by intuition and experience)[,]#** this one (Gearing)#*** can be resolved by the application of Scale.#****

- - - -

Scaling#**** simply means deciding which scale of time to applies to which sort of event. In the cycles of a Human life, this should be relatively straightforward: particular projects or periods (e.g. of work) are generally identifiable, and the major cycle is of course related to the whole life itself.##

*[[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800n]{Circle Relationships [continued(12)] – Circumferential Resonance}[20th August 1987]]

**not 30o! [as originally written]

***[[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800l]{Circle Relationships [continued(10)] – Radial Resonance}[20th August 1987]]

****[[Redbook4:62][19870820:1800i]{Circle Relationships [continued(7)] – Contra-rotation (1)}[20th August 1987]]

#[more precisely, 512-year cycles]

#*[[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800k]{Circle Relationships [continued(9)] – Resonance}[20th August 1987]ff]

#**{See [[Redbook7:12][19900105:1655c]{Hierarchy of Resonances}[5th January 1990]] 12]}

#***[[Redbook4:61][19870820:1800f]{Circle Relationships [continued(4)] – } (2) Gearing (i) [20th August 1987]ff]

#****[[Redbook2:245][19820813:1945e]{Gearing, Transformation, Interaction, Contra-rotation, [Resonance, and Scale]}[13th August 1982]]

##{But see [[Redbook7:21-30][19900129:0118]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles}[29th January 1990],] 23}

[& cf ibid, 24]



Monday 26 October 2020

{High and Low}[4th January 1990]

[Redbook7:9][19900104:2358]{High and Low}[4th January 1990]


A temporary ‘blip’ again in my peace of mind after speaking to someone who knows of my dilemma, and of my negative views (although we did not discuss it this time) – led me to realise that my ‘anti’ moments tend to follow an attack or implied attack by an acquaintance on my personal fitness to be a priest (there have been several).* This negative state seems to be centred around my stomach.

On the other hand, the positive, inspirational state in which to become a Priest seems to be the only proper thing to do, because of the demand that is on me and the way in which it seems to predict its own expression – the manner of the expression, I mean, not of the prediction** – is centred within or around the upper part of my head.***

The negative state is fear – understandable, but a weakness to be overcome rather than a valid warning; the positive state is the higher.

* – if I am not being over-sensitive.


***(cf VI?.... [[Redbook6:190-193][19890803:0908d]{Love and Sex (5)}[3rd August 1989]ff])


{Apocalypse Then and Now}[4th January 1990]

[Redbook7:8][19900104:1058]{Apocalypse Then and Now}[4th January 1990]


*The Jewish Apocalyptists, or ‘Revealers’, began to write around 200-150 BC[E], and continued for about 3 centuries, ie to c.100-150 CE. 

This period (approximately including the Maccabaean Era of Jewish history) is at around the great [sic] C~ degree of Human history; we are at another, and just as our prophets may be great reformers centred around the 15th century CE, so also our apocalyptic ‘literature’ could be something as mundane as science fiction, in literature and also in film.

*Ref The Book of Enoch, tr[anslated by] R.H. Charles, Introduction by W.O.E Oesterley, pXI. (London, SPCK, 1917-1980)


{Genesis Doubling}[2nd January 1990]

[Redbook7:8][19900102:2245b]{Genesis Doubling}[2nd January 1990]



To my mind, the early chapters of Genesis show a succession of horizontal ‘splittings’ (in circle terms): Adam and Eve, Cain and (↔) Abel, Ishmael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob: rather reminiscent of any single line of descent from Pascal’s Triangle:*

(There is no significance in my choice of [any particular] pattern [from within Pascal’s Triangle].)

*[Ref eg [Redbook5:194][19880625:0955b]{Pascal's Triangle}[20th June 1988] & fn refs &c]


Sunday 25 October 2020

{The Axial Age}[2nd January 1990]

[Redbook7:7][19900102:2245]{The Axial Age}[2nd January 1990]


Foundation of Buddhism by Siddartha Gautama

6th century BC[E]

Foundation of Confucianism by Confucius (551-479 BC[E]

6th - 5th century BC[E]

Foundation of Zorastrianism* by Zoroaster

6th century BC[E]

(+ Hinduism’s oldest texts are the Vedas dating from

1200 to 500BC[E])

(Vedism was concerned with fire sacrifice and the regeneration resulting from it.)


This period of c500BC[E] was also the centre of prophetic activity in Judaism.

It is (if I recollect rightly) the (?)’Axial Age’*** of foundation of World religions.****

In Circle history terms centred on Christ at Year c.0 (C.E.), it represents on the 2048 year cycle of Biblical Judaism the point G~ – Revolution, but with the strong radial resonance of Revelation.

By comparison, the foundation of Islam in the 7th century c.e. [sic] occurred near to the g~ point (Revelation) of the (rather faint?) inner circle of the 2048 year Christian Era.#


**Also: Jainism founded c6th C[entury] BC[E];

& Taoism became established as a philosophy c481-221BC[E]


{Actually 800-200BCE (E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 22:103}

****[& cf the primary era of ancient Greek philosophical endeavour]

#[And also the M~ point of the corresponding outer circle, presumably]

- - - -


Saturday 24 October 2020

{The Word of Love and Law}[2nd January 1990]

 [Redbook7:6-7][19900102:2218]{The Word of Love and Law}[2nd January 1990]


‘The term “Word of Yahweh” has special significance for the understanding of the prophetic message. It is used both of the message of Yahweh which comes to a prophet and is delivered by him, and also the divine activity whereby the world is created and sustained, the events of history are controlled and nations are delivered or judged. Indeed the word dābhār itself means etymologically both “saying” or “message” and “event” or “thing”.

Peake’s Commentary on the Bible, 1962,

The Authority of the Bible’ by A.M. Ramsey (A[rch]B[ishop] of C[anterbury],


which shows that my difficulty with St John’s identification* of the Word with Christ is based on a false ‘fit’, on the circle, of the Word with God’s Law, ie initiating Outer Circle rotation. The Word is at C, [+C†I~], and is/becomes both Love and Law:

[Text extracted from ms diagram reproduced above:]


Attr| C |action





(‘Father’ Creator)















*[Journal ref not found; but cf [Redbook4:7][19870705:1745g]{Archangels (1)}[5th July 1987]; &

[Redbook6:171];[19890730:1409b]{The Spirit and the Word}[30th July 1989]; & see

[Redbook6:154][19890715:1035]{The Harvest Parables}[15th July 1989], fn#** & fn#***; but see

[Redbook6:160-163][19890722:1004]{A Prophet of Islam}[22nd July 1989], fn ***]
