Sunday 2 August 2020

{The Three Degrees of Death, and the Underworld [continued]}[14th October 1989]

[Redbook6:314-316][19891014:1805b]{The Three Degrees of Death, and the Underworld [continued]}[14th October 1989]


How can these* be reconciled? Basically, by the ‘Death’ triangle already** referred to:

[Text extracted from ms diagram reproduced above:]



A~ is the First Death, R~ is the Second Death, s~ is the Third Death.

The First Death, at A~, is the death of the Body, which one could argue is happening all the time we pass in the region of A~: through physical and psychological stress (eg lechery, gluttony, anger, overwork, and other distractions).

The Second Death, at R~ (noting that the outer and inner circles are very close here, so R~/r~), *** is the Death of the Soul, or of the Self; if they are not identical, the Soul is split and the Self goes down to destruction (this is over-simplified).

The Third Death, at s~, is the Death of the Spirit reunited with God the Spirit (the immortal rest of the Soul achieving union with God, the One).

(Paradoxically, though, the slow living death of the Body through A~ is also often a period of oblivion for the Spirit, which is veiled by darkness.)****

Each death ends in a corresponding rebirth: the complete death of the body at A~ frees the Soul for rebirth, the death of the Soul (and of the Self) at R~ frees the Spirit for rebirth, and the Death of the Spirit at s~ – well, the Death of the Spirit into God the Spirit contributes to the recreation of the Soul of God, the One.

*[See last previous entry]

**Ref earlier Vols(?) …. [eg [Redbook4:105][19871005:2320f]{[The Mind [continued (3)]] – The Three Deaths}[5th October 1987]; & eg [Redbook3:172-173][19870411:2200e](RECALL)[11th April 1987]]

***(This is a matter of experience.)

****{Not paradoxically, if life is the Gift of the Spirit (unveiling): this slow (but accelerated) death comes through the abuse of Life, by wilful separation, which veils the Spirit.}



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