Saturday 8 August 2020

{‘The Messianic Legacy’}[15th October 1989]

[Redbook6:320][19891015:0000]{‘The Messianic Legacy’}[15th October 1989]


[Have] r[ead]: Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy (London, 1986). This is a sequel to ‘The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail’.* It is roughly 1/3rd poor history, 1/3rd personal philosophy of practical religion, and 1/3rd being led by the nose into political speculation.

About two good things come out of it:

[1] The possible links of Celtic Christianity with Eastern sects, cults and religions; (and also the use of the Celtic cross by a couple of recent or modern ‘circles’ or associations in Europe, whose names I forget;**
[2] the decoding by Dr. Schonfield, using his ‘Atbash cypher’, of the name ‘Baphomet’, revered by the Templars, as ‘Sophia’ – ‘Wisdom’. This is not altogether surprising in view of the number of r~ connections which pop up in [The] H[oly] B[lood and the] H[oly] G[rail], particularly the earlier part: dates, possible T[arot]-symbols, etc.. What Sophia suggests, of course, is Gnostic or other Eastern influence{:} which I am glad to say does not fit the authors’ personal (and quite unnecessary) thesis[,] that Jesus was a political freedom fighter[,] at all.

*[[Redbook6:3-6][19881008:1400b]{Raymond}[8th October 1988]]

**{The anti-Nazi Kreisan Circle was one; the other, a group supporting European unity?}

***{See [[[Redbook6:3-6][19881008:1400b]{Raymond}[8th October 1988]],] 3,
[[Redbook6:328][19891022:1005][1968 & reference points in space][22nd October 1989],] 328}
{IX[:] [] 22, [] 356-359}


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