Monday 10 August 2020

{A Dream: Upper and lower Rooms [continued]}[16th October 1989]

[Redbook6:321-322][19891016:0905]{A Dream: Upper and lower Rooms [continued]}[16th October 1989]


This sort of dream* poses problems because it might not be symbolic at all: and if it is, its likely message appears contradictory to other dreams. But it could suggest a distinction between different courses of action, ie rising, and** staying on this level with nastiness coming up from below. But which is which? (And, of course, is the Unconscious right?)

I have been concerned recently, and still am, about the effect of the Church on my own mental processes; and last night I watched*** ‘Lease of Life’, a 1950’s film about a Vicar who finds that his terminal illness dis-inhibits his religious thinking and teaching. But it is not obvious which way this dream* points, if it points anywhere.

My immediate reaction was to see the small upstairs room as ordination in the Church, and the luxurious downstairs room as not being ordained; but as the fact is that my being an incumbent would, eventually, if marginally, improve our financial situation (and it would be me earning instead of [W]; and as I have been taken aback by the material luxury in which some of the Clergy I have met recently live and work; it is equally possible that the luxurious downstairs room with the sewage coming up through the floor represents being ordained.**** This is more in line with previous dreams about this Church.#

*[See last previous entry]

**[ie ‘or’]

***[on television, presumably]

****(or [being] an incumbent)

{ref V. [[Redbook5:123][19880527:2240]{A Dream of the Church: The Incomplete Staircase}[27th May 1988],] 123[;]
ref [[Redbook6:127)][19890515:2243b]{[Two Dreams: ][(2)] … & Of the Church and money}[15th May 1989],] 127,
(There was another but I can’t find it) [Possibly [Redbook6:109)][19890309:2040]{A Dream: All Wrong in the Church}[9th March 1989];]
& cf [[Redbook6:120-123)][19890403:(a.m.)]{A Dream: Sister of the Sitting Poor}[3rd April 1989],] 120,
V. [[Redbook5:239-240][19880730:1118b]{A Dream: Of a Psychological Test Challenged}[30th July 1988],] 240}


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