Monday 3 June 2019

{The Soul}[26th October 1988]

[Redbook6:18-22][19881026:2035b]{The Soul}[26th October 1988]


Having worked* ‘from the top downwards’ as far as the Soul is concerned, ie by imaginative creation of a rationally consistent structure, we need to be sure the concept does not conflict with empirically observed phenomena.

I am not too concerned about the Scientists’ investigations into the brain, for reasons which I have already** gone into. I am more concerned by aberrations of behaviour, particularly those caused by accidents; I have mentioned this before,*** but need to reconsider the problem.

Briefly, the metaphysical speculation is that the Soul is a type of record of personality, being formed by input of heredity, environment (ie experience), and possibly other influences or factors, and perhaps to some extent incorporating a record of experience. The Soul, on this view, is capable of independent existence but not of independent change, or self-will. It is divisible, and can be changed. It can be changed or moved from two ‘directions’: by the Spirit, within; and by the Body and Brain, without.

cf IV [[Redbook4:87-88][19871003:1650d]{Souls}[3rd October 1987],] 87;
[[Redbook4:89-90][19871003:1650f]{The Soul}[3rd October 1987],] 89;
[[Redbook4:105-106][19871005:2320g]{The Brain and the Soul}[5th October 1987],] 105;
[[Redbook4:114][19871006:1020j]{[Ghosts [continued (4)]:] Evil and Tragedy}[6th October 1987], ?&/?or?f,] 114;
[[Redbook4:181][19871129:2107g]{The Weight of Sin (1) [continued (4)] – Staining the Soul}[29th November 1987],&f,] 181

**V. [Presumably, [Redbook5:178-179][19880619:1707h]{Materialism and Idealism: The Nature of Mind}[19th June 1988]; & cf [Redbook5:347][19880908:1215b]{Meaning (and Causes) [continued]}[8th September 1988], &f]

***IV? [Probably, [Redbook4:102-103][19871005:2320]{The Brain}[5th October 1987](&f)]



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