Friday 7 June 2019

{Notes on Method}[26th October 1988]

[Redbook6:22-23][19881026:2035f]{Notes on Method}[26th October 1988]


As all this* must at times seem built on very speculative foundations, it is worth recalling that it arises out of the question: Why?** NOT the How? of Physics but the Why? of Metaphysics. It is a valid question and one whose ramifications or branches extend into Science (and everywhere else): eg, why do things evolve into a state of greater complexity, instead of becoming simpler, or staying the way they are? Why did it all start in the first place (or Why is it all going?)[?] Such questions, if genuinely answered in terms of Why? – rather than How? – can only be answered in terms of rational metaphysical speculation.

The basic exercise is: Think of as many systems as possible that will provide, within a rationally ***self-consistent framework, answers to all these questions without conflicting with any empirically observed phenomena. (Note that a system does not have to account for all empirically observed phenomena, as such a system would be beyond any Human Individual’s understanding;**** it simply must not conflict with any such phenomena.)

The detailed business of accounting for such phenomena is a matter for the various branches of Science and their theories at any time. A metaphysical system need only account for the changeable theories of Science in the broadest sense of explaining why the Physical World occurs and develops and changes in the way it does; any attempt to account for specific theories would rest the system on very unreliable foundations. But it still must not conflict with empirically observed phenomena.

As it happens, I can only think of one such system; but that may be my limitation.

*[See last five previous entries, [Redbook6:18-22][19881026:2035b]{The Soul}[26th October 1988]ff, &c]

**[[Redbook2:74A][19751112:0000 a]{WHY?}[12th November 1975]; & eg
[Redbook1:230][19720218:0000]{Why?}[18th February 1972];
[Redbook2:99A][19770311:0000f]{Why God? Why Here?}[11th March 1977] [Redbook2:117-119][19780430:1500a]{Occupational Hazards}[30th April 1978];
[Redbook5:363][19880926:1545h]{Catastrophe Theory [continued (8)]}[26th September 1988]]

***[individually, presumably, not collectively]

****(It would also rely too much upon the accuracy of all observations)


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