Wednesday 31 January 2018

{Eidetic Vision}[15th March 1988]

[Redbook5:64-65][19880315:1045]{Eidetic Vision}[15th March 1988]


*Eidetic memory** – the ability to visual{ise} as external images what are in fact inner visions – whether one realises it or not – is a talent which (I have hypothesised) belongs to the S~ degree: and may be associated (perhaps in more Outer-Circle dominated Individuals) with 'photographic' memory. Bearing in mind that [SX],* who seems to have it, was born a Scorpio – it is intriguing (but not statistical) to note that [William] Blake, who has also been described as having eidetic vision, was born on 28th November.***

My mother's mother painted a flower with a face in, which she called Puck, and claimed to have seen on the South Downs one day while out walking; I have an idea that her birthday may also have been in November**** (or was that when she died?).

It is important to understand this matter of eidetic vision as it can explain some of the more bizarre manifestations described by modern cultists (and, for that matter, by Christians). Without this explanation, as people recount# how they have encountered satyrs in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, or thereabouts – one sees the choices as accepting the material existence of these creatures, or the madness or mendacity of the narrator. Eidetic vision allows the possibility of a (very 'real') projection as external image of an inner vision which, almost inevitably, will be coloured by the cultural background, state of mind etc. of the 'seer'. This process will almost certainly (perhaps certainly) [sic] be quite unconscious, at least in today's circumstances.

This does not imply that the origin of the vision is either wholly within the mind of the seer, or wholly without it. Neither is very likely.

*ref IV.[[Redbook4:295-296][19880109:0947c]{Birth dates [continued (3)] – A Scorpio}[9th January 1988],] {295} ('A Scorpio' ff)
[& see [Redbook5:13-14][19880212:1155f]{Multiple Viewpoints and Single Minds [continued (6)]}[12th February 1988], final para.]

**{vision, surely?}
[Yes, probably, in this context; eidetic memory appears to be another name for 'photographic' memory. <20180102>]

***But as an Artist, shouldn't he have been born about May – directly opposite [in the circle of the year]? – diametric resonance! <880327(6)>

****[W] has just found a long-lost birthday list: my mother's mother's birthday was 11th November. <880326>

#Hawken, 'The Magic of Findhorn', Fontana Collins, 1975, p134ff (I suspect that +Mk's conversation with [the Narrrator] on the [mountain] in '[0]' may owe something, unconsciously, to this).


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