Saturday 13 January 2018

{The Grail Quest Circle}[12th March 1988]

[Redbook5:49-50][19880312:2005c]{The Grail Quest Circle}[12th March 1988]


The review of the TV adaptation of 'Small World'* in TLS this week** suggests a more specific identification of the Grail Quest and similar Romances, than mine[,] with the whole Outer Circle: more specifically, with the female hemisphere# of the Outer Circle. But I suspect that this is just the female hemisphere# view of it.

I suspect that the Grail Quest Romance*** can be read – although whether it was intended in such a way is another question – as covering the whole Circles pattern: the team of Knights at S~, setting out, splitting up around U~ passing through Lions, Black Knights, Sorcerers, Dragons etc. around A~, their purpose fragmenting around J~, near to and after which they even fight each other in confusion; releasing fair damsels around R~: **** most return directly to S~, but a few (asking the right questions?) pass to the Inner Circle, often by crossing the water, and become those Hermits and Holy Men who in many versions assist and advise the Outer Circle Knights, and heal their wounds.

*[David Lodge, 'Small World: An Academic Romance' (1984)]
[See [Redbook5:17][19880214:2326b]{Small World (1)}[14th February 1988];
[Redbook5:20][19880221:1030]{Small World (2)}[21st February 1988];
[Redbook5:21][19880229:0045]{Small World (3)}[29th February 1988];
[Redbook5:22-23][19880229:0940]{Small World (3)}[29th February 1988].

**T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] 4432, p280.

***cf. III. [(e.g.)[Redbook3:35-36][19870326:1543p]{Quest Romances}[26th March 1987];
[Redbook3:64][19870329:1210n]{The Tarot Pack (and Quest Romances)}[29th March 1987]ff;
[Redbook3:91-92][19870402:2106h](DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIRCLES [continued(8)])[2nd April 1987];
[Redbook3:223][19870502:1855]{The Grail Quest*}[2nd May 1987].]

****cf. Perseus <880806>

#[The gender description refers to Circle archetypes; here as elsewhere, no conclusions should be drawn about individuals unless specifically stated. <20180113>]



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