Monday 15 January 2018

{Tarot Numbers of Separation?}[12th March 1988]

[Redbook5:50][19880312:2005e]{Tarot Numbers of Separation?}[12th March 1988]


It may be possible to relate the Number Cards (and the Court Cards?) to the third dimension of Separation,* separating the 'planes' of existence.** But whether this is useful, is hard to say.

*Ref. IV [(e.g.) [Redbook4:315][19880112:1805k]{The Separations [continued (7)] – Creation}[12th January 1988]ff;
[Redbook4:318][19880112:1805q]{Three Spatial Dimensions*}[12th January 1988];
& cf. [Redbook4:317][19880112:1805o]{The Sword of Separation}[12th January 1988]]

**{Ref (below) [=?]}


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