Thursday 18 January 2018

{Fundamental Points of View [continued]}[14th March 1988]

[Redbook5:52][19880314:1115b]{Fundamental Points of View [continued]}[14th March 1988]


I have been lent this book* by a neighbour living up the main [village] valley at whose house last night I watched a two-hour American video on the same basic theme: that Hindu-based cult beliefs are taking over the Christian world; and with whom I discussed (or rather, I asked questions on, and he kindly answered) his beliefs. It was immensely valuable to me as I have never had a chance before to talk to a Fundamentalist** (he dislikes the label, but accepts the dogma) about his religious views.

My concern is to discover more about a particular religious viewpoint. His concern, I think, is to help me – to be born again: a well-meant purpose by a decent man. As he quite correctly said: '(It is written all over you that)*** You are (still?)*** searching.' The difference – one of the differences – is that I do not expect my search to end this side of Death; his has.

*[(Cumbey, 'The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism', Huntington House, USA, 1983; see last previous entry.]

**{And a Creationist}

***[The round brackets here represent square brackets in the ms.]



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