Tuesday 6 December 2016

{Hell, Purgatory and Paradise – [3] Paradise}[6th October 1987]

[Redbook4:118][19871006:1020n]{Hell, Purgatory and Paradise – [3] Paradise}[6th October 1987]

*I have an idea that those who die the First Death after** their transit of Diversity (the Earthly 'Purgatory')*** may go straight from the station of U~ where they find themselves after the 1st Death, to the point of Christ [I~].

I also have an idea that those who manage to complete both Circles before the 1st Death – i.e. arriving at the point of S~, the 3rd Death, before the 1st Death – may find themselves back at Diversity/Distraction**** in quite a different capacity;# and from this point of A~, the 1st Death, when they do pass through that Death, they will move straight up from A~ towards Christ [I~].

*II[[Redbook2:237-238][19820809:0845b]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral/Church}[9th August 1982]].237.
[See last previous entry but one, 1st fn..]

**[underlined later]

***(i.e {some degrees} after the 'Second Death') [See last previous entry.]

****{II[[Redbook2:237-238][19820809:0845b]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral/Church}[9th August 1982]].238}{-- ??!}

#BUT see [[Redbook4:130-146][19871018:2352#]{Angelic Hierarchies}[18th October 1987] ] p.137,139. <871019>


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