Monday 26 December 2016

{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (6): Archangels and Angels]}[19th October 1987]

[Redbook4:135][19871019:0925c]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (6): Archangels and Angels]}[19th October 1987]

These* are all Angels: this is the Angelic Hierarchy, and the Circle pattern shows it to be quite wrong to see Angels as the lowest rank (and Archangels as next lowest – this is what has bothered me in the past). What I think the hierarchy describes is levels of manifestation or immanence one way, refinement or transcendence the other way.**

All the Angelic Agents operating in [2]*** are operating as Angels, without exception, i.e. in a form which can be perceived**** by Individual Men. There is a slight confusion over Archangels there,
which I think may be resolved as follows: the 8 Archetypes (i.e. xS etc.) are also operating as Angels but have their co-ordinating role as Arch-angels (Chief Messengers#), in which form they occasionally appear to (selected) Individuals.

I guess that Angels and Archangels are the only levels at which an Angelic Spirit may appear, i.e. in an external form, to Men; the difference being that an Angelic form may be mistaken for another Man (hence the (necessary?) association with Vices)#* whereas the Archangelic form can never be mistaken for another Man (and is associated with Archetypal symbols, e.g. Horsemen and Living Creatures).#**

*[See last previous entry, and previous entries from [Redbook4:130-146][19871018:2352]{Angelic Hierarchies}[18th October 1987].]

**Principalities are the “lowest” – but not in an hierarchical sense: they are most separated (?); they are of the Underworld (our Underworld) (cf. The Prince of Darkness.)

***[[2] is potentially subject to significant revision, although not necessarily in this respect. <20161110>]

****but not always distinguished

#(Dear me, can't spell messengers!) (or occasionally).

#*(no longer – see below [[Redbook4:142-143][19871020:2058]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (#)]}[20th October 1987],] 143.) <871123>
(Vices and Outer Principles tend also to be felt by Men by means of their external effects – at least in emphasis.)

#**(& Outer (Circle) Principles such as Distraction and Simplification)
(no longer – see below [[Redbook4:142-143][19871020:2058]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (#)]}[20th October 1987],] 142-3.



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