Sunday 4 December 2016

{Hell, Purgatory and Paradise – [1] Hell}[6th October 1987]

[Redbook4:116-117][19871006:1020m]{Hell, Purgatory and Paradise – [1] Hell}[6th October 1987]

Some points follow on *Hell, Purgatory and Paradise (I made short work of Dante's Purgatory but am finding his Paradise rather slow going.)

Hell (like Purgatory) is both before and after (1st) Death ([i.e.. death] of the Body). Those who manage to feather their Hell before the first Death, by self-ishness, risk so staining the Soul that something recognisable and self-conscious (in self-recognition)** will end up back in the same material Hell again as a disembodied Soul-fragment, without prospect of change or return. Those Soul-fragments would vary from mere wisps of shades to fairly complete impressions of Self-centred personality.***

I imagine that they would {perceive}**** the World rather differently from us, as a sort of combination of material impressions (e.g. of the walls they walk through) and mental, soul and spirit-realm forces. The one thing they would not be able to recognise{,}# having no Spirit, would be the Spirit of God: Angels would therefore be figures of terror to them, and would tend I think to be seen in their darker Outer Circle or separated colours. I doubt whether they#* would see, for example, the Sun, or at least Sunlight. Their Hell, therefore, would be rather like an impression of one of those rocky planets far from the Sun, without atmosphere, but with volcanoes: all blacks, dark reds, and perhaps dark blues.

Having no Spirit or conscience to recognise God, they would not, by our definition, be Human, and sympathy would therefore be wasted on them; but I still think it's a pretty awful thing to happen to a Man's self-stained Soul. What happens to them in the end I do not know:#** whether they gradually disintegrate (by JeRemiel) and fade away. They are, by the looks of things, the same ghosts we were discussing previously.***

*These sections [i.e. presumably this and the next two] seem, in retrospect, interesting and plausible, but only one of the likely solutions. See [[Redbook4:119][19871006:1020#]{Death-lines}[6th October 1987],] 119 (foot of page). <930502>

**[Brackets ( ) inserted later.]

***[cf.[[Redbook4:111-113][19871006:1020h]{Ghosts}[6th October 1987] ]111ff [; &] PTO [below ff?].

****[formerly “see”.]

#? <891001[?]>

#*{(i.e the dead inhabitants of Hell)}

#**{But see [[Redbook4:119][19871006:1020#]{Death-lines}[6th October 1987],] p.119.}



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