Tuesday 18 August 2015

{A Dream: The Right Lines [continued]}[2nd July1984]

[Redbook2:341-343][19840702:0830b]{A Dream: The Right Lines [continued]}[2nd July1984]


Just beyond this new station*, I entered the 'exhibition' building. But it was not an exhibition: it was an [educational] Institute. The young lady with masses of golden hair who was to run the day-long course gave us programme cards: it was to be a long day, with several long modules, ending at about 7.30pm. She explained to me that I (and one other?) might prefer to skip the last two modules and attend them instead on the next day when the course was being held (for a slightly different kind of person or cast of mind) – in Chelsea. I was disappointed at this; but I noticed that whereas everyone else had brought full geometry boxes with set squares etc., all I seemed able to set out on my desk were a pen or pencil, a six-inch ruler, and a rubber.

The first module began and I realised that I could not understand anything of it. However, towards the end of that module some music was played, ending on a recurring melody, which did mean something to me, although I could not pin it down.

At the end of the module a girl in front of me said (rather upset) that she could not understand it at all (or words to that effect) and that she was leaving; the golden-haired teacher said (with a touch of sarcastic sorrow) that the leaver had better go out and eat a lot of food. My neighbour, a brown-haired girl, and myself seemed to find this very funny, for we laughed; but at the same time I was a little ashamed of myself for laughing, as I knew that it was no laughing matter. It was at about this point, I think, that the dream ended.

(I am not absolutely certain about the curve on the 'Northern Line')**

I can trace some of the concepts in this dream possibly to very recent reading, but the symbols are more long-standing ones and an interesting mixture of ancient and modern, public and (apparently) more personal.

*[See end of last previous entry.]

**[See last previous entry. A track and platform diagram inserted here and labelled 'Kensal Green' (which it isn't) is too heavily overlaid with subsequent notes to be scanned in at present]


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