Wednesday 12 August 2015

{A Dream of Drowning, and Angelic Visitation}[16th May 1984]

[Redbook2:335-336][19840516:2330]{A Dream of Drowning, and Angelic Visitation}[16th May 1984]


From a narrative dream last night I recall two fragments:

(1) One in which a group of youngsters (with whom, but not of whom, I was) became aware of the absence of one of their number, and I became aware (although without much distress) that he was in some way drowned;

(2) Another in which I sat a little way from the group in a room like a changing-room, they conversing in subdued tones – I saw descend from an upper corner of the room, directly towards them, smaller than life-size (as though at a – psychic? – distance greater than the physical confines of the room), an angelic figure (not in robes) which I knew they could not see; but at that moment they, unseeing, raised such a shout of inspiration that I knew them to be by its unseen presence touched.


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