Sunday 22 March 2015

{Dream: The White Sword}[6th July 1982]

[Redbook2:231-233][19820706.2245]{Dream: The White Sword}[6th July 1982]

[…] Farm, [Warwickshire(?)]

Early this morning, I dreamt a dream of strong texture and independence, which included the following:-

I was in a dark wood, with a narrow crowd of dark people, with three of whom in particular I became involved. One of these three (and I associated the three for some reason with the party of Dwarves in The Hobbit – but I suspect that was a 'conscious' interpretation, and incorrect) drew my attention to another of the three: – Don't you realise that this is … the king (as it were, of the Dwarves under the mountain)? – This other gravely and in passing acknowledged my recognition.

At a certain stage, in this dark wood (the site being not unlike that stretch of track from the 'T'-junction [at C] to the edge of […] Manor garden), among the narrow crowd, lined several deep as it might have been against an invisible counter, – among the dark creatures, an air of expectation, I think, was felt. A figure appeared (as though it had been from the direction of [C] house): a boy or young man, but all of white, even white light. Without him apparently realising it the dark creatures nudged him round behind them (as it were on the Hidden Rocks side of the narrow crowd) and among them to a particular point on the invisible 'counter': over which he bent and, groping behind and beneath its invisible surface, found and drew up high a white shining sword. There was a palpable feeling of relief among the dark creatures, and of wholeness.

The young man, holding the sword high, ran (or danced, almost) out of the area.

To my surprise, I saw several dark creatures on the other side of the 'counter' – one I remember particularly with the head of a bear or sharp-nosed dog – laughing behind their hands. This so disturbed me that I tried to prevent it, but they or the dream would not be turned.

This is noticeable for the differentiation of the sleeping consciousness or ego (still aware though asleep) and the source of the strong dream itself.

Various thoughts for writing [down] occurred to me during the day, leading from the Sword, which were noted in my future [engagements] diary today and 7th. I am too tired to decode them now.


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