Tuesday 31 March 2015

{The Ages of Man}[13th August 1982]

[Redbook2:242][19820813:1945b]{The Ages of Man}[13th August 1982]


(Amended subsequently)
(Expanded from notes 19820811)

'The Great Circles as an exact chart of Man's life-span on Earth (even, the 7 Ages of Man!)'


*[The notes and text here are too scrappy and over-written to make complete sense of.]

[Two entries on 19820811.2315 recording earlier undated notes are inserted at [Redbook2:240][19820811.2315] and [Redbook2:240][19820811.2315b] below, between [Redbook2:256-257][19821010:2000b] and [Redbook2:259][19821106:2200], for posting in Blogger on 21042015 and 22042015 respectively.]


Monday 30 March 2015

{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral [continued]: Circles}[13th August 1982]

[Redbook2:241-242][19820813:1945a]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral [continued]: Circles}[13th August 1982]


So what does it* all mean?

On the whole I think I have until recently avoided writing about this system in this book, and deliberately; but the thing seems to have turned out too deeply-rising for that distinction.

The crucial question is: why primary colours? If my memory of the order of colours is accurate, their direction signifies the inner circle; but the colours should then have been gold and silver-blue, not as in the Dream that brilliant, indeed emphasised, bright red and bright and darkish blue. They were emphasised, so that they stood out against the tones of the rest of the Dream. I have certainly believed that some people could follow the Outer Circle in its reverse direction, that is in the direction of the Inner Circle, perhaps under the influence of others on the Inner Circle: such people might engage on [sic] activities of the Outer Circle and World, but in a manner guided by the Inner Circle, more particularly perhaps by their position relative to the Inner Circle. Their circuit might be preparatory to a circuit in the same direction on the Inner Circle, which may be what the companions from whom I was called away would have begun at the white Altar. (This, of course, assumes that the directional relationship is what matters: the actual direction perceived depending upon the point of view.)

But if this is all so, where did the Dream leave me?

*[See last two previous entries]


Sunday 29 March 2015

{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral [continued]}[9th August 1982]

[Redbook2:239A][19820809:0845c]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral [continued]}[9th August 1982]


More points remembered from the second Dr[eam]*:

(1) The line of their short-cut was from about the five-eighth [point] behind me (I being beyond the three-quarter Cardinal and I think on the seven-eighth point) to the 0/1 point ahead – or just in front of it (before the Altar). Correspondingly, my route was from the seven-eighth point to the second Cardinal, from where I watched proceedings.

(2) The four horses moved past the outside (?) of the Cathedral at this point and round to my left as I faced 0/1, i.e. in a clockwise direction (as I had moved) when viewed when viewed from above.

(3) During the whole course of the dream I was conscious of recognising something from before: probably the décor of the Cathedral (as described), although my interpretation of it seemed to be for the first time.

(4) I had an impression – although I do not think he said it to me – that the Priest might have decorated the Cathedral himself.

(5) When the Priest called me across to the back of the Cathedral, I think he said that there was a way out of it for me there.

(6) The primary colours – blue and red – were brilliant, and unmistakable.

(7) The Altar end was white; the Opposite** end was dark.

*[See last previous entry]

**{or Back}


Saturday 28 March 2015

{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral}[9th August 1982]

[Redbook2:237-238][19820809:0845b]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral/Church}[9th August 1982]


In the second [dream], I found myself outside the railings of a Church. Together with others, I passed within the railings – myself feeling doubt as to whether I should actually be there. We all began to perambulate around the inside of the railings, stopping at certain points to make observances towards these points on the railings.

Some of us found ourselves inside the Church. We seemed to be walking in the same direction (clockwise, when seen from above, as it seemed to me). We were climbing over the most intricate stone sculpture – clearly very strong – of miniature people, each perhaps six inches to nine inches high, in perfect detail, all also climbing forwards in the same direction as us, and all (I am 99.9% certain that this came now) bright red.

I next found myself with a few (?) others on the other side of the church, in exactly the same situation except that the miniature statues over which we climbed forwards were bright blue (again, 99.9% certainty of this order).

Certain members of the congregation, however, were permitted to pass directly from before the blue sculptures. i.e. near the back of the Church, in a straight line into a position before the Altar, to obtain (I understood) Divine Grace or Aid directly.

After passing the blues, on the other hand, I proceeded back directly (in a corresponding direct route) to the back of the Church, being encouraged to do so by the Priest himself with words suggesting that this was for me. I stood there, and spoke to the Priest's Wife; I may have caught a glimpse of a white-robed choir, moving forward?  As she explained that this Cathedral (as it now seemed) was not yet finished, I saw that the central nave was open to the evening Sky.

I saw four horses, harnessed (or moving) together, pass round outside the back of the Cathedral and towards the front. Appreciating their significance, I tried to see their colours, but could only see the colour of one horse (I think) which was a ruddy-brown chestnut colour. (At the time I did think that they were all this colour, but my memory seems to be of only seeing the colour of the horse nearest to me).

The directions may be misleading, in that whatever side of the church we were on it was always on our right so that the 'same' direction in which we seemed to be walking is likely to be only in relation to the centre of the church – not the outside World.



Friday 27 March 2015

{Dream of Flying}[16th July 1982]

[Redbook2:236][19820809:0845a]{Dream of Flying}[16th July 1982]


Two episodes of seeming significance from early morning dreaming this morning.
In the first, part of what seemed to be some kind of adventure, I flew easily to and from the city rooftops, managing with some care to avoid detection of this by (all??) those on the ground, who were pursuing someone else (primarily, I think).

Later, I had to walk for a time. It became necessary to fly again. I was not anxious to be seen to do so by the public in general, but as I walked (into the suburb, I think) I was always within their sight. I found a patch of open space and, despite the fact that there were people there, attempted to take off, only to find that (in the classic dream symbol) I was unable to fly more than a few yards at a time.

If there is a moral in this, it is a distinctly ambiguous one!


Thursday 26 March 2015

{Dream: Mercury Rising [continued]}[16th July 1982]

[Redbook2:234-235][19820716:1845]{Dream: Mercury Rising [continued]}[16th July 1982]


I had certainly read somewhere that Mercury was doing something or other in the Sky at the moment. I confirmed afterwards that it is about to be in conjunction with the Sun.

On the other hand, Mercury has considerable significance in the scheme of [0], representing in one sense Communication – which may be seen in this context as the transmissive or active aspect to Truth's receptive or passive aspect. 'In this context' because after the dream (I am 99% certain it was after!) I received a letter from publishers telling me (as agent) that they 'remain interested in the development of this writer's work, and would very much like to see his/her next novel as we feel that he/she could well go on to write something of real cult appeal'. (They also said, with apparently unconscious irony, that they were 'impressed by the magnetic pull of the narrative'.

But on the third hand*, I read in my New Scientist today (received yesterday) an article suggesting that cometary collisions with Earth, with devastating effect, are in terms of geological and even natural history relatively frequent; and that one such large body is coming closer to us at present. Many of the images conjured up by their descriptions of the consequences are the (not altogether unnatural) images of catastrophe previously conjured up by my own mind.

So there we are!

*[as it were.]


Wednesday 25 March 2015

{Dream: Mercury Rising}[16th July 1982]

[Redbook2:234][19820716:1845]{Dream: Mercury Rising}[16th July 1982]


What seemed like a perfectly ordinary dream a few mornings ago had highlights which have developed slightly disturbing connections.

The two highlight features were (1) that Earth was being approached by Mercury – an image now in my mind of a huge silver ball in the Sky which may or may not have occurred in the dream – whose heat or energy would burn the Earth, although possibly not in a physical sense; and (2) that we escaped by rediscovering the Maze(s), an underground tunnel system, which I recognised, entered by a high, narrow rectangular doorway in a cutting running parallel and slightly into the side of the hill somewhere beyond and level with the […] bend at [C]: someone, a sort of stay-behinder perhaps, quite calmly blocked the tunnel behind us with some sort of dense brushwood from the outside.



Tuesday 24 March 2015

{Distraction}[15th July 1982]

[Redbook2:233][19820715:2330b]{Distraction}[15th July 1982]


The power of Distraction out of control can never be such as to destroy the One; but, by necessitating Direct Intervention by the One, it could bring about the end of All.


Monday 23 March 2015

{Dream: The White Sword [continued]}[15th July 1982]

[Redbook2:233][19820715:2330a]{Dream: The White Sword [continued]}[15th July 1982]


The entries* in my future [engagements] diary for 6 & 7 July are as follows: –
<Present [i.e. 15th July 1982] annotations in [arrow < >] brackets>

(The Dream: White Sword)

Sword: Draws no blood, but transforms.

White sword = Silver lance** = Black rod** = Golden arrow?

? Point – Line – Disc – Sphere.

(Sword) (Rod) (Plate) (Bowl).

<No dimension- 1 Dimension – 2 Dimension – 3 Dimension>


Outer Circle: Blue – Black – Red – White.
Inner Circle: Gold – Purple – Silver – Green.

Earthly Forces: Green – Purple – Blue – Red.
(air) (light) (fire) (surface) (deep) ← < This*** seems wrong>
Divine Powers: White – Black – Silver – Gold.

*[referred to in last previous entry]

**[These should presumably be swapped to preserve the relative order.]

***[whole section?]

[Temporary holding entry “[Entries being considered....]” postedBlogger23032015]
[Text posted 28032015]

Sunday 22 March 2015

{Dream: The White Sword}[6th July 1982]

[Redbook2:231-233][19820706.2245]{Dream: The White Sword}[6th July 1982]

[…] Farm, [Warwickshire(?)]

Early this morning, I dreamt a dream of strong texture and independence, which included the following:-

I was in a dark wood, with a narrow crowd of dark people, with three of whom in particular I became involved. One of these three (and I associated the three for some reason with the party of Dwarves in The Hobbit – but I suspect that was a 'conscious' interpretation, and incorrect) drew my attention to another of the three: – Don't you realise that this is … the king (as it were, of the Dwarves under the mountain)? – This other gravely and in passing acknowledged my recognition.

At a certain stage, in this dark wood (the site being not unlike that stretch of track from the 'T'-junction [at C] to the edge of […] Manor garden), among the narrow crowd, lined several deep as it might have been against an invisible counter, – among the dark creatures, an air of expectation, I think, was felt. A figure appeared (as though it had been from the direction of [C] house): a boy or young man, but all of white, even white light. Without him apparently realising it the dark creatures nudged him round behind them (as it were on the Hidden Rocks side of the narrow crowd) and among them to a particular point on the invisible 'counter': over which he bent and, groping behind and beneath its invisible surface, found and drew up high a white shining sword. There was a palpable feeling of relief among the dark creatures, and of wholeness.

The young man, holding the sword high, ran (or danced, almost) out of the area.

To my surprise, I saw several dark creatures on the other side of the 'counter' – one I remember particularly with the head of a bear or sharp-nosed dog – laughing behind their hands. This so disturbed me that I tried to prevent it, but they or the dream would not be turned.

This is noticeable for the differentiation of the sleeping consciousness or ego (still aware though asleep) and the source of the strong dream itself.

Various thoughts for writing [down] occurred to me during the day, leading from the Sword, which were noted in my future [engagements] diary today and 7th. I am too tired to decode them now.


Saturday 21 March 2015

{Imagination and Reality}[30th June 1982]

[Redbook2:230][19820630:2000]{Imagination and Reality}[30th June 1982]


Somewhere in a recent T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement], it was, I think, that I read (something like): “Imagination is that which tends towards reality”. This is excellent, because one's interpretation depends completely upon one's view of what constitutes reality: I was caught out, because of the context I supposed, and saw it as inclining towards the World around, only later realising that it should incline away (excline?) from this World.


Friday 20 March 2015

{Dream: The Sufi Opposed}[30th June 1982]

[Redbook2:229][19820630:0005c]{Dream: The Sufi Opposed}[30th June 1982]


On Monday evening, after returning from work and discussion with [W] (over a Chinese meal) of the Sufi sheikh*, I dozed off (with her) on the bed still considering this problem. In this semi-conscious state I saw myself for a brief time in some way actually opposing the Sheikh and his influence, at a moment of crisis, although the details now escape me. Passing to wakefulness, I brought with me that sense of wholeness, healed and healing, which to an extent continued through the evening and had a practical effect on my [d-i-y] construction work.

The prospect of opposition to him is not one that appeals to me, not least because it seems unfair, and possibly dangerous.

*[See 2:268, 2:282]


Thursday 19 March 2015

{Dream: A brutal killing}[30th June 1982]

[Redbook2:229][19820630:0005b]{Dream: A brutal killing}[30th June 1982]


On Tuesday morning I think it was, I dreamt (inter alia?) that a young man stood detached but watching this scene unfold: another young man or woman shot with a pistol, in the head, a man who lay on the floor screaming. The killer moved in front of his victim and, smiling, shot him again in the head, through the screams, each time from a distance of about two feet.


Wednesday 18 March 2015

{A Dream: The Haunted House}[30th June 1982]

[Redbook2:228][19820630:0005a]{A Dream: The Haunted House}[30th June 1982]


On Monday morning, I think it was, I dreamt (as part of a longer dream involving a journey through countryside, and a large, strange house one of whose identical sections had the property of making its inhabitants larger) that I was in the corner doorway of a bedroom. [...] said that she was there in the corner – which she was, on a kind of built-in sideboard – but also that she was in the bed – which she was: the room had the property of allowing people to be in two places at once. I looked again, however, and said she was not there in the corner; but in the mirror above the sideboard appeared a face, a beautiful blond girl with cruel lips and teeth. The horror of this was distinct; but, although I felt it, I remained sufficiently detached to blank it out, recall it again, and then superimpose the 'O' octagonal circle [sic] on it: at which, with brief resistance, it faded.


Tuesday 17 March 2015

{A Dream: Spirit of Light}[26th June 1982]

[Redbook2:228][19820626:0930c]{A Dream: Spirit of Light}[26th June 1982]


Later*, I dreamt that I was (I suppose) a Spirit of (Clear) Light: after warning my companions that I would, I vanished from them, to reappear after (what was to them) an interval, when they were a little further along the road.

I also had an excellent supper last night.

*[See last previous entry]


Monday 16 March 2015

{A Dream: Spirit of Fire}[26th June 1982]

[Redbook2:227][19820626:0930b]{A Dream: Spirit of Fire}[26th June 1982]


Last night – whether or not these next have the significance I attribute to them – I dreamt at one time that I was a Spirit of Fire: rising from my companions,* but unable to rise above a low level of the Air, I burst into flame, of which I was aware as a cloak of fire flying behind and above me.

*and (I think) to their consternation,


Sunday 15 March 2015

{Dream-Event Connections: Two Dreams before the Falklands?}[26th June 1982]

[Redbook2:227][19820626:0930a]{Dream-Event Connections: Two Dreams before the Falklands?}[26th June 1982]


I believe (but I am not certain) that it was before the Falklands invasion when I dreamt that I was by a large tall military barracks, outside which, and then from whose windows, with a noise whose echoes I can still hear, hundreds of battle-dressed soldiers together 'cleared' their rifles, i.e. slid the 'bolt' backwards and forwards, in what I immediately took to be a martial demonstration at the start of a campaign.

Similarly, on another occasion, I dreamt that I was with my T.A.* unit but was being left behind or was in some way unprepared.

It is because I put these down at the time to T.A. connections and events (and specifically my decision to leave the T.A.), and not to the Falklands, that I believe they occurred before the invasion: but how long before I do not know, certainly a few months at most. On the other hand, I do not recall on any other occasion dreaming about the T.A..

* [T.A.: Territorial Army & Volunteer Reserve]


Saturday 14 March 2015

{The Soul of the Universe [continued(3)]}[20th February 1982]

[Redbook2:226][19820220:1700c]{The Soul of the Universe [continued(3)]}[20th February 1982]


This is, of course, quite apart from any effect of the deliberate development of inner methods of stimulus* by the 'mystic', as against the normal concentration of the 'materialist' on external means; and it is apart from the related question of degrees of 'strength' (or quality) of stimulus, in relation to the responsiveness of the information structure and in relation to each other.

*[e.g. meditation, presumably]


Friday 13 March 2015

{The Soul of the Universe [continued]}[20th February 1982]

[Redbook2:225][19820220:1700b]{The Soul of the Universe [continued]}[20th February 1982]


So, for example, the information structure might guide the migratory bird (using Sheldrake's* example – I have read to page 32) to its destination, or the grazing animal to greener pastures; but it would not necessarily save the prey from the predator, although it might partially alert each to the other. More significantly for us, it might produce these well-known effects – which I have felt and still feel – by which in the study of 'mysticism' one's learning is guided as if by an unseen teacher, whose suggestions are sometimes felt extremely strongly and sometimes only deduced after the event, giving rise to a perceptible pattern in externally unrelated events such as visits to new bookshops, connections with new people, the words of different speakers in different contexts on adjacent evenings, and the inner effect of external perceptions. This sort of manifestation (part inner, part outer) would be far more likely** by this theory because there is little fundamental conflict in this response-area; those who do not seek to stimulate it, ignore it. In the pursuit of money, however, this kind of manifestation would be less likely (although not impossible) because, on the whole, money, being a method of measurement of relative scarcity, is a medium of competition, desire for which produces conflicting stimuli.

*[Rupert Sheldrake:] A New Science of Life.

**[i.e. than other sorts of manifestation]



Thursday 12 March 2015

{The Soul of the Universe}[20th February 1982]

[Redbook2:224-225][19820220:1700a]{The Soul of the Universe}[20th February 1982]


Note per diary* 19/2/82 “On strength of info network/conflicting inputs(?)/likelihood of effect.”

[Reconstruction:] If we theorise the existence of an underlying information structure of the Universe, to which the externally perceived Universe is responsive but which is itself responsive to the internalities within those externally perceived manifestations** (only perhaps in the sense that these internalities are a part of the information structure or network), we may proceed as follows: if, for the sake of this argument only, the effect of this information structure is everywhere and everywhen in the first instance of the same strength, the degree of its response*** might depend (inter alia) on the direction of the stimulus 'from' the internalities of the perceived world. Where only one such stimulus was received into the structure towards**** a particular response, or where all (or most?) stimuli tended in one direction for***** a particular response or response-area, the response would be more likely to occur and be manifested accordingly in the externally-perceived world than it would if the information structure received stimuli for***** a particular response-area which tended in different and conflicting directions.

*{probably only a work or engagements diary.}

** (i.e. the externally perceived Universe, I presume.)<870811>

*** i.e. (to anything which might occur?)<930116>

**** [i.e. in the direction of / tending towards?]

*****[i.e. towards?]



Wednesday 11 March 2015

{All's Fair: Postscript}[15th February 1982]

[Redbook2:222-3][19820215:2340a]{All's Fair: Postscript}[15th February 1982]



[The reason for omitting this entry, and the earlier ones at [Redbook2:151-157][19790601:1540]{All's fair}[1st June 1979] and [Redbook2:151-157][19790703.2315]{All's fair [continued]}[3rd July 1979] to which it refers, is that they describe in very personal terms, often unkindly, and once -- at the end of this entry, if the writing is saying, albeit privately, what it seems to be saying – with inexcusable brutality, someone whose identity it would be impossible to disguise. Their inclusion, especially at this point, could have provided a useful contrast and counterbalance to the most recent previous entries above: which is the reason for this note.]
