Thursday 25 August 2022

{The Paleolithic Period [continued (5)] – The Paleolithic Venus}[7th November 1990]

[Redbook8:91-93][19901107:1007e]{The History of Art[:]}{The Paleolithic Period [continued (5)] – The Paleolithic Venus}[7th November 1990]



‘Venuses’, which are considered to be perhaps house guardians* rather than erotica, are ‘both more numerous and of greater variety in the East, ** suggesting that this was the cult’s area of origin, but they occur in Western Europe *** and appear at a similar date, that is in the Upper Paleolithic, between approximately 26,000 and 24,000 years BC[E}.**** As in the East it is common to find a group of Venuses at one location....#

‘The western Venuses are similar to the eastern and follow the same later pattern of stylization, finally making a transition to mural art, as at Angles sur l’Anglin in Vienne (France) where, on the frieze, three half-figures are carved in low relief, among the animals.#*


*(cf G~, defender of Paradise)







***(cf VII. [[Redbook7:345][19900930:2135]{The Cave Bear and Venus}[30th September 1990],] 345)

****{cf [next entry (&f(f?)?), [Redbook8:91][19901107:1007e]{The History of Art[:]}{The Paleolithic Period [continued (5)] – The Paleolithic Venus}[7th November 1990]&f(f?)?,] 92}

# – ibid [The Encylopaedia of Visual Art], 5

#*cf VII. [[Redbook7:345][19900930:2135]{The Cave Bear and Venus}[30th September 1990],] 345

(Venus & Cave Bear)



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