Tuesday 23 August 2022

{The History of Art[:]}{The Paleolithic Period [continued (3)]}[7th November 1990]

[Redbook8:90-91][19901107:1007c]{The History of Art[:]}{The Paleolithic Period [continued (3)]}[7th November 1990]



‘Much of the painting* is beautiful and highly accomplished; in its context doubly surprising both by its quality and character, for very few primitive people exploit the naturalistic element in art.**

‘Paleolithic art has a time span of more than 20,000 years, lasting from approximately 30,000 to 9,500 years ago. The first datable art objects that we have are ascribed to the Aurignacian Culture*** (an early geographical variant within the Upper Paleolithic) and were found at Vogelherd, in West Germany, in a level dated more than 30,000 years BC[E]. One of the characteristics of Paleolithic art is its homogeneity and its adherence to formulas.’****

*[See last previous entry]

** – ibid [The Encylopaedia of Visual Art, p2]

***in which the first Cro-Magnon remains were (probably) discovered

(ref E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 18:966

**** – ibid [The Encylopaedia of Visual Art, p2]



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