Sunday 28 August 2022

{The History of Art[:]}{The Paleolithic Period [continued (9)] – Sanctuaries}[7th November 1990]

[Redbook8:93][19901107:1007h]{The History of Art[:]}{The Paleolithic Period [continued (9)] – Sanctuaries}[7th November 1990]



‘There are decorated caves of an early date but present evidence suggests that the use of deep caves was short-lived. The decorated rock-shelters and shallow daylit caves are mainly of earlier or later date … while in the Middle Magdalenian period (from approximately 15,000 to 14,000 BC[E]) there was a fashion for decorating caves progressively deeper and where access was more difficult.... The majority are difficult to reach and cannot have had an everyday use and, although miniature art may have filled that requirement, the deep caves were apparently abandoned in the Late Magdalenian in favo[u]r of open-air sanctuaries once more, formed by groups of engraved plaquettes or wall engravings.’*

* – ibid [The Encylopaedia of Visual Art], 9-10



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