Wednesday 3 August 2022

{Left and Right Conflict (2)}[30th October 1990]

[Redbook8:77-79][19901030:0940]{Left and Right Conflict (2)}[30th October 1990]



We need to consider what is actually likely to be happening under the appearance of things.

It seems probable that the effect of C[ircles] A[nalysis] & S[ynthesis] outer circle patterns in history (including G~ and M~, C, and quite probably [A~]**) is largely*** determined or worked out in the orientation or attitude of Men’s minds. This would be most apparent in masses of Men; in individuals it would of course be felt, but in any particular individual it is likely to be complicated by personal factors. (Individual Will, for example, although characteristic of S~-M~, is quite capable of appearing around J~-G~).

The behaviour or masses or bodies of Men has a crucial effect on the initiation of G~-type movements, and on the execution of M~-type actions. In other words, if G~ produces spontaneous or easily-triggered uprisings of an undisciplined kind, M~ would tend to favour tightly-disciplined bodies of Men highly motivated towards the obeying of orders and the achievement of particular defined aims. A man of sufficient Will around and after the moment of Crisis, C, can convert a G~-type rabble into an M~-type army: cf Napoleon turning the French revolutionary rabble into an imperial army after C1792ce, **** and Lenin and the Bolsheviks seizing power (and in due course enforcing order) immediately before C1920ce.

*[[Redbook8:74][19901029:1805]{Left and Right Conflict (1)}[29th October 1990]→]

**[ms has M~, later deleted & replaced by {A~?} – a mistake which has also occurred elsewhere]

***but not solely




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