Friday 5 August 2022

{Left and Right Conflict (2) [continued]}[30th October 1990]

[Redbook8:78-79][19901030:0940b]{Left and Right Conflict (2) [continued]}[30th October 1990]



Of course, just as a rebel leader may be individually a part of the G~ orientation and an expression of the people’s will, so a military commander may himself express in acute form the M~ type orientation of the (coming) moment.

The reason why M~ actors frequently appear around C is precisely because of the open nature of C, the crisis of decision in which there is a real alternative. Often there are r~-g~-type inspirers around as well: in revolutions they are generally suppressed; in more stable situations they may give rise to art movements.*


This hurried ending was intended to show that the I[nner] C[ircle] option from C may show itself in particular kinds of artistic movements, perhaps continuing in a new way the movements for revival – artistic and political – which may have occurred in the G~→C O[uter] C[ircle]** phase immediately preceding. The effect of C→M~ will, of course, also be felt.***

*(interrupted by new estate agent – who marked [CH] down by £35-30K)

**[‘O.C’ inserted in ms, arguably unnecessarily]




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