Wednesday 15 July 2020

{A Dream: of Youngsters}[12th October 1989]

[Redbook6:343][19891012:1612]{A Dream: of Youngsters}[12th October 1989]


I wasn’t going to mention this dream until I re-read the Dream of a Girl’s School, earlier in this Vol[ume].* In this one, several nights ago, I vaguely remember[:]

(1) going down to a basement to pass behind **(or in front of?)** three naked youngsters who stood side by side in a well-lit room: from their general appearance I should say that they were teenagers, and although I did not know (or wonder) what sex they were, I saw, most unusually in such dreams, that they all had (dark) pubic hair.***

(2) Upstairs, I found myself with several naked youngsters who had brought one of their number, a fair-haired boy I think, ****possibly in tears, or miserable,**** to me so that I could comfort him, which I did with a curiously un-physical arm around his shoulders.

I wasn’t going to mention this dream because there was no particular quality attached to it: it was curiously neutral. But I guess that the downstairs youngsters with pubic hair symbolise ‘basic’ Souls,# the upstairs ones perhaps more ‘refined’. There was no sexual feeling at all, either during the dream or on waking.

*[[Redbook6:170-171][19890730:1409]{Dream: Of a Girl’s School}[30th July 1989],] p170

**[words between ** & ** inserted marginally, (probably) contemporaneously]

***(I have a vague memory, possibly false, that this was also true of the two girls near the end of the earlier dream ([[[Redbook6:170-171][19890730:1409]{Dream: Of a Girl’s School}[30th July 1989],]] p170))

****[words between **** & **** inserted marginally, (probably) contemporaneously]

#[Or possibly older; or more probably, as it seems odd (albeit in a dream) to observe pubic hair without determining gender, perhaps the purpose of the hair was specifically to obscure gender as being irrelevant.<20200604>]
[It seems more likely now that these figures represent aspects of the writer’s own mind projected to his dreaming consciousness from within &/or possibly outside his own brain, as with former such dreams, rather than notional external ‘souls’ or minds. Even more than with the original entry, it has been extremely difficult to know whether to include this journal entry in the ts and blog or not. The deciding factor has been the perceived gender-neutrality and the indications of maturity, both of which suggest that the writer’s mind may have been trying to project specific symbols to his dreaming consciousness while excluding potential distractions &/or concerns. <20200714>]


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