Tuesday 18 February 2020

{Love and Sex (6)}[18th August 1989]

[Redbook6:212-213][19890818:1554c]{Love and Sex (6)}[18th August 1989]

When I have written** of the power of Love to transform sex, to lift it onto a higher plane, this is not simply theory but practically experiential: I have experienced it.

The remarkable thing about this is that the sexual experience is lifted physically from being a merely genital sensation in erection (at the lowest and most exclusively physical) right up through the body to, ultimately, the head, and possibly even floating above the head, at the highest experienced level of sexual activity; but each level incorporates and raises the levels below it, so that in sexual activity nothing is lost, and everything can be gained, by the transforming power of Love, in a way which defies practical division between the physical (or material) and the spiritual.

So I believe that all material things can be transformed by the inner Light of the Spirit: certainly in the perception; and ultimately, I believe, in themselves.

That is not to say that the higher sensations require [sic] to begin and arise from the lower: far from it; *** since in more advanced stages of integration and development, such lower sensations will become less urgent, less important, and even in the course of Nature itself are likely to wither away.**** But this analysis is to show that for normal men and women, natural sex need not drag one down: whether it does so depends upon one’s own state and direction of mind. The actual, real effect of the transforming power of Love upon sexual intercourse is something which, I presume, is unknown to the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church; and this is a great pity.#

*[[Redbook6:190-193][19890803:0908d]{Love and Sex (5)}[3rd August 1989]→]

**ref [[Redbook6:190-193][19890803:0908d]{Love and Sex (5)}[3rd August 1989],] 190ff

***(Shades of Pauline tone!)


#({?} So in [2], [R]’s fear of sexual intercourse arises, I think precisely because she has been raised above it, and feels the insecurity of her position – rightly or wrongly: feels that she has been raised above her natural position. She is, of course, a natural worrier.)
[subject to revision]

{→ [[Redbook6:268][19890918:1534]{Love and Sex (7)}[18th September 1989],] 268}


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