Tuesday 18 February 2020

{Calendar Circles}[18th August 1989]

[Redbook6:211][19890818:1554]{Calendar Circles}[18th August 1989]


Ref earlier notes on the Western (Roman) Calendar:* I note** that February, Februarius, was named for Februa, the Roman festival of purification held on the 15th; that April, Aprilis, was considered by Romans to be sacred to the goddess Venus, and may be named after Aphrodite (or after ‘aperire’, to open); and that May, Maius, was probably named after the Roman goddess Maia, supporter of Vulcan, the fire god, to whom May was particularly dedicated, and mother of Mercury*** (and in Greek legend, one of the Pleiades).

*[[Redbook4:35][19870711:1000]{The [later] (Roman) Calendar}[11th July 1987]]

**per E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 8:292

***D[ictionary of] C[lassical] M[ythology] 270.


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