Tuesday 25 February 2020

{Fasting and Sleep}[26th August 1989]

[Redbook6:218-219][19890826:1100]{Fasting and Sleep}[26th August 1989]


Reading about Bede Griffith’s* experiences through fasting etc – I was suddenly reminded that, in addition to occasions writing at [C] when I have cut down drastically on food, there was another time, when I noted that if I ate less food I required less sleep: and that was in my first year at Cambridge, probably the Lent term, when I was writing [0]’s earlier version ‘The Gift’ and was generally in some psychic turmoil:** in a state of crisis.

*Bede Griffiths, ‘The Golden String’, Collins, 1954, 1979 (per [Canon][XQ])***

**[When (if memory of much more recent sight of the letter is correct) the College authorities wrote to the writer’s parents asking whether there was any history of mental illness in the family....
[Redbook4:244-245][19871220:0000b]{Schizophrenia (3) [continued]}[20th December 1987],fn, confirms this]

***[See [Redbook6:125-126)][19890504:1300b]{An Invitation to the Church}[4th May 1989], esp fn***; & last previous entry]


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