Thursday 17 May 2018

{Jung's 'Memories, Dreams & [sic] Reflections'}[10th June 1988]

[Redbook5:145-148][19880610:1010]{Jung's 'Memories, Dreams & [sic] Reflections'}[10th June 1988]


I am fairly certain that I have not read Jung's 'Memories, Dreams and [sic] Reflections'* before. His fantasy of the island castle first occurred at about the same age as mine, I think: I have or had schoolboy drawings** of it with the same interest in material resources, only mine came initially(?) from underground strata.*** Even his copper column or heavy wire is paralleled by the glowing golden column at the centre of the [O]**** His column drew a spiritual essence out of the air for transmutation into gold coins; the [O]'s golden column was in some way its motive power 'source' and /or basic propulsion system (This was in '[0]', i.e. before the [O]'s transformation near the beginning of '[1]'#

*[C.G. Jung 'Memories, Dreams, Reflections', Recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffé, Trnslated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston; Flamingo (published by Fontana Paperbacks, 1983 (1963)]
[See [Redbook5:141-142][19880607:1930b]{Church (3)}[7th June 1988]&f]

**{(See I.4A [An earlier rough drawing inserted in the ms but not in the ts.])

***{Perhaps arising from a common [i.e. shared] sense of intellectual (and therefore economic) insecurity.}

****[In [1]; modified later to appear only in the [O]'s penultimate, partly-realised form.]

#[Later effectively brought forward into the end of [0]]



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