Monday 28 May 2018

{Aquarius* (2)}[13th June 1988]

[Redbook5:150-151][19880613:0930b]{Aquarius* (2)}[13th June 1988]


A television programme on musical development and possible regression, last night, highlighted the revolutionary/romantic cultural and political 'mix' at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries (complicating it with romantic heroes!). This could, I suppose, roughly fit Jung's Aeon of Pisces (I have just begun to read 'Aion', which I bought in 1977) in Outer Circle terms.

The cautions which I have applied to the 'Age of Aquarius' – the next 2,000 years – apply equally to this Aqaurius period within the present Pisces 2,000 years: that, if it means anything at all, Aquarius is a period of Transformation bringing many dangers (contra-rotation,** however, still applies).

Our present century certainly fits that pattern. Schizophrenia appears to be a danger now for the culture as well as the Individual. How we cope now may well set the pattern for the next 2,000 years – even for the next 24,000[-]year(?) cycle: could it be reversed, from the year 6,000 a.d., and run as the solar year runs (i.e. Inner Circle)? (Interesting that the Christian era began with the Astrological New Year, i.e. the Pisces/Aries meeting point, but of course running backwards).

*ref [[Redbook5:87-88][19880318:1005]{Aquarius}[18th March 1988],]

**[[Redbook4:62][19870820:1800i]{Circle Relationships [continued(7)] – Contra-rotation (1)}[20th August 1987]]


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