Monday 28 May 2018

{A Dream: The Illustrated Girl}[13th June 1988]

[Redbook5:149][19880613:0930]{A Dream: The Illustrated Girl}[13th June 1988]


Reading Jung's memoirs* does seem to have had an effect. This morning ([W] having, unknown to me, taken [d] to sleep in the spare bedroom after [d] had had a disturbance in the night), I dreamt as follows: I was in a museum. In a broad recess, on a ledge on the right, lay a female museum attendant.** She was (in physical terms) perhaps in her mid- or late twenties, she had bright – glowing –*** yellow or golden hair, slightly wavy, not very long; and she was completely naked. My father (of all people)**** was talking to her: something about his personal experience of the prostitutes in South America,# where (after other statements he made) it appeared that they used to approach potential clients with the words: 'You want baby?' As might be expected, he was standing between us#*; so far as I could tell she was listening, but not reacting.

I walked alone to the next section of the museum, which appeared to be identical. There again in a broad recess, on a ledge on the right, lay an identical female museum attendant:#** I would say that she was the same person, except for one extraordinary difference: the whole of her naked body, up to the lower end of her neck, was covered in illustrations, after the manner of tattoos.#*** She was friendly towards me, and (so far as I recall) began explaining the illustrations, and (I think) the contents of the museum itself.

As I awoke, sexually aroused, this this dream became transformed into a brief sexual fantasy: but what survived into it were the emphasis on innocent nakedness, loving friendliness, and the girl talking, but perhaps now devoid of illustrations.
I suspect that in this dream my father played the role of exemplar of what to avoid. I have the impression that he was chatting her up; but his emphasis on reproductive sex is interesting, especially as I am now a father.

*[See [Redbook5:145-148][19880610:1010]{Jung's 'Memories, Dreams & [sic] Reflections'}[10th June 1988]]

**(Her head was raised – she was probably e.g. [sic] leaning on her elbow.)

***(The glow is typical.)

****{There was an undercurrent in my relationship with my father in the late teens/early twenties, of competition and jealousy over the same women [always very much closer to the writer’s age than to his father’s <20180528>].}

#[where he had worked for a while as a young man]

#*, his back to me

#**(in an identical position)

#***(Postman called, 0950)

#****Her physical attributes suggest that the girl is of a degree between xS and xK (R~ & G~).

{The film 'The Illustrated Man' [based on part of Ray Bradbury's story collection] was on TV at the end of this week, I think; after this date, anyway; and I may have read about this, although I had no recollection of that when the film was on.}
{See [[Redbook5:163][19880615:1642#]{A Dream: Of Exploring Hidden Chambers}[13th June 1988],] p163}


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