Monday 28 May 2018

{Four Dimensions}[13th June 1988]

[Redbook5:153][19880613:1440]{Four Dimensions}[13th June 1988]


'(Physicists) ...already have plenty of reasons for believing four dimensions have special properties. Inverse square laws (such as Newton's law of gravity) fail in more than three spatial dimensions, which means that atomic matter and planetary orbits would be unstable and would collapse.* Only in four dimensions, does the electron have a single corresponding antiparticle – the positron; we cannot explain the left-handedness of neutrinos in three or five dimensions. Now this new result from mathematics shows the unique mathematical nature of four-dimensional space. Coincidence, perhaps, but then who believes in coincidences?' ( – Andrew Watson, 'Mathematics of a Fake World', N[ew ]S[cientist ].1615, p45.

Although I don't understand Mathematics or this article in the New Scientist this week ( – I suspect that Maths is another expression of the Unconscious,** as it seem to express itself in symbols and rest on no actual external foundation,*** like Archetypes),** it prompts me to return to the speculative order of Separation:

[Text from ms diagram shown above:]




any thought, intention &c.

Space 1

Space 2
The Spiritual Kingdom
Space 3
The Physical Universe
(4-Dimensional Space)
(Man – Mental Zone)


*(Inwards, presumably?)

**cf the young Indian mathematician (N[ew ]S[cientist ]1987/88?) whose ideas came to him in dreams/visions, from a Hindu goddess – literally, a genius? [Srinivasa Ramanujan FRS, 22 December 1887 – 26 April 1920); the goddess was Namagiri Thayar, a local form of Lakshmi the wife and energy of Vishnu.]

***& cf N[ew ]S[cientist ]1585, 42, Godel's Incompleteness Theorem

****(But cf +Mk in [0]: 'I have been through all times; Time is within me.') [Subject to revision; in the current ts of [0] this is given as: “I have been through all times: Time is with [sic] me.”]

#{cf [[Redbook5:194][19880625:0955]{Dimensions}[25th June 1988],] 194
[[Redbook5:218-239][19880722:2307]{The Sphere}[22nd June 1988],] 218-219}


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