Thursday 22 June 2017

{The Mantelpiece (1) [continued]}[19th December 1987]

[Redbook4:242-243][19871219:1055i]{The Mantelpiece (1) [continued]}[19th December 1987]


*The 'Lion' column, similar to the 'Knights' Outer Circle, begins with TVIII Justice and ends with TXIV Temperance (Self-discipline) at the Crisis/Transformation point. The 'Horned Beast' column, similar to the 'Queens' Inner Circles, begins with TXV the Devil/Horned God and ends with TXXI the World (Totality). This is fairly precisely the orientation suggested earlier** for Knights running from M~, and for Queens running from G~.

This leaves open the possibility that the mantelshelf row TI – [T]VII is associated with the Human (Face). The Human (Face) is the only really ambiguous one of the 4 Living Creatures, appearing at both A~ and R~: I have explained*** how these two are linked, and for an explanation of the Fireplace orientation in [0] see earlier notes also.****

The row TI – [T]VII incorporates a vertical polarity (lower end) (TI); a Circle rotation in the Inner Circle direction but of a fundamental or formative nature (TII-[T]IV); and the start of the Outer Circle rotation (TVI-[T]VII): starting one off without much option on the Outer Circle.

There is also remaining the possibility that the single-Tarot row above, T0 (Fool), is associated with the Eagle.

It is tempting to link TI-[T]VII with Knaves Outer Circle – especially as TI is at A~,# the 'driving point' of Knaves; the problem with this is that TII-[T]V give an Inner Circle direction, which seems too tied up with the orientation of the Circles to be changed. I speculate that in practice Knaves is similar in some respects (e.g. later stages) to Knights (especially earlier stages (TVI – [T]VII), but reaches 'back' to incorporate the earliest stages of material development, i.e. TI.

TII – [T]V may represent childhood and education to early adulthood (stretching further back than my fictions, which start at [age] 16/17). But the earliest stages of childhood owe a great deal to T0, the Fool, which being unnumbered traditionally occupies positions at the beginning and end of the Greater (Tarot) Trumps. The end position, for the Fool (T0), and the single-card (and highest) mantelshelf row, could then represent Kings Inner Circle, whose dimensions are presumably beyond Earthly understanding.

*[See last previous entry.]

**[[Redbook4:175-176][19871125:1630]{Circle Orientation}[25th November 1987],] p175 “Circle Orientation”.

***?III. [(e.g?) [Redbook3:134-138][19870406:2300](SEX AND GENDER)[6th April 1987], presumably

****II. [] 350A [This appears to refer to a sheet inserted in the ms but not included before this in the typescript, with a schematic diagram (of which some details were later superseded) showing the Castle as two circles (inner Keep and outer ramparts), one within the other and joined at the northernmost point of both, and a note as follows: “(?)The Fireplace is an indicator of changed relationships and re-orientation. By whatever way the entrant arrives at the Castle, and at whatever stage he was [sic], the Human Face in the ‘Fireplace’ re-orientates him as being at the ‘Simplification/Love’ turning point; but the position of the Lion and the Horned Beast to left and right, and the Fire ahead, show the layout within the Castle; and the Eagle directly above shows that the route from Love to Harmony is no longer a Circle, but a Straight Ascent.(?)”[sic].]

#[[Redbook4:175-176][19871125:1630]{Circle Orientation}[25th November 1987],] p175



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