Saturday 3 June 2017

{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987]

[Redbook4:230-232][19871215:2232]{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987]


*Re-reading the Times article of 16/12/85,** I highlighted many of the symptoms chosen as examples; key words and phrases highlighted include:
'...Mostly in their late teens and early twenties....'
'...disturbed perceptions can turn them against members of the family who are closest to them...'
'...periods of mental distress so painful that sufferer s are unable to carry on normal lives. The feel invaded by strange and terrifying experiences which distort the way they see the world and prevent them relating to people. They withdraw and become emotionally cold and isolated. They feel their whole personalities disintegrate and lose their ability to concentrate or work.'
'Schizophrenia seems to come in cycles.'
'The more bizarre symptoms experienced by schizophrenics are hallucinations and delusions – patently false ideas which are held with total conviction. ****One person thinks he is Jesus Christ, another that she is an aunt of the Queen#. Those suffering from a more paranoid type of schizophrenia believe people are trying to kill them.'

*{From [[Redbook4:225-229][19871214:2010c]{Schizophrenia (1)}[14th December 1987],] 225}

**[[The Times, 16121985, p10, inserted near the end of Vol II, at p374A, but not in the typescript. There is no entry between the end of Vol. II at [Redbook2:372[19850923:0048c]{The Man Made of Glass}[23rd September 1985] (but see the footnote there) and the start of Vol III at [Redbook3:1-5][19860325:0153] {TRUTH} [25th March 1986] ]

***{(See below[,][[Redbook4:231-232][19871215:2232b]{Schizophrenia (2) [continued]}[15th December 1987] ] p.231.)}

****{cf. [[Redbook4:225-229][19871214:2010c]{Schizophrenia (1)}[14th December 1987] ] 225,
[[[Redbook4:238-240][19871219:1055]{Childish and Child-like (2)}[19th December 1987],]] 238}
{III. [[Redbook3:55-56][19870329:1210e](DEVELOPMENT [continued])[29th March 1987]]:56.}

#Perhaps she is. <891005>



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