Saturday 25 June 2016

{Virtues and Vices (2) [continued]}[7th July 1987]

[Redbook4:14][19870707:1000b]{Virtues and Vices (2) [continued]}[7th July 1987]

Somewhere I have picked up the idea of Uriel* or JeRemiel (probably Uriel) as the Destroyer**, but I cannot remember where; nor can I find it in my readings of the last few days. (In looking for which, I discover that Brewer's*** list of 7 Christian Archangels is different from [the Book of] Enoch's!)

*[See last previous entry.]

**Neither: it is Perseus who is the Destroyer in Ancient Greek (per Huxley, The Dragon), & (Persona) the Mask (& death mask/assumed role) in Etruscan/Latin, i.e. xP with her political role-playing and name-changes is Fragmentation – but also Creation the other way <19870708.0040>
In this respect, [2] remains her book despite the apparent concentration on xS at the end – much as [1] is +K's book (+K at that stage still incorporating xS) despite the concentration, in much of the second half, on +M. <0100> [But as (re)numbered, [1] would appear to be actually +Mk's book, and [2] xS's book....]

***[Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (Centenary Edition, 1970; 1971).]



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