Thursday 9 June 2016

{Another Tarot Pattern}[5th July 1987]

[Redbook4:1-2][19870705:1745]{Another Tarot Pattern}[5th July 1987]

Book, Volume IV

{Tarot III}
Just to keep things in perspective, I offer another Tarot order designed to fit the cardinality of the four cardinal virtues (This is the third* serious organisation, I think):

0 Fool

2 High Priestess

17 Star

5 High Priest

16 Tower
21 World
6 Lover

15 Devil

7 Chariot
14 Temperance

18 Moon
20 Judgement

8 Justice
13 Death

9 Hermit

12 Hanged Man
19 Sun
10 Wheel

3 Empress

11 Fortitude

4 Emperor

1 Magus

<Faint[er] arrows added [19]870710] [aligned broadly (i.e. vertically and horizontally, as available in Blogger), but not exactly, as in the ms. diagram <20160423>]>

Although this has things to commend it, on the whole I prefer the current version!**

– which can accommodate Virtues and Vices if one takes 'cardinal' to mean 'at right angles' rather than 'at the four points of the compass' (which is its correct meaning, I think).

*Tarot I was developed for the Round/Spiral Table at the start of [2] [which was later cut from [2] but may be used elsewhere.] <870821>

**[In the ms, ‘Prudence’ is not underlined, and is within brackets changed to square brackets, suggesting that it was probably added later – possibly to correct an accidental omission. <20161010>.]

***{Tarot II [which does not seem to have been included as a circle diagram, except as an obscure part of the complex A3-size diagram at [Redbook3:217-222][19870502:1025b](EVOLUTION OF PATTERNS OF SYMBOLS)([&] DIAGONAL PERSONALITIES [continued]) [2nd May 1987], but can be seen in tabular form as part of [Redbook3:160-162][19870409:1345q](TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS [continued(4)])[9th April 1987] (& appears to be the finally settled version <20161010>).]}

[Volume notes:]

{The last previous entry is Vol. III.224 (19870502)}

{[Most or all notes shown {thus} are,] up to p.56, red entries, headings etc., [which] are <[19]870817> or immediately afterwards unless otherwise <dated>.}

{Later, dates of red entries (unless otherwise indicated) are given at the start and end of red sessions;
<19880113> ([–] marks end).}


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