Saturday 25 June 2016

{Archangels (2) [continued]}[7th July 1987]

[Redbook4:12-13][19870707:0010]{Archangels (2) [continued]}[7th July 1987]


Perhaps I should explain in a little more detail how the 4 remaining Archangels were allocated* – but then again, it's pretty self-explanatory, and the time is rather late at night.

Basically, (Je)Remiel and Uriel are both involved with the Underworld, which puts them at the bottom, so the other two must be at the top.

Uriel's leadership of the Heavenly hosts puts him close to (and below) Michael, who is their Captain; I suppose those rising on the Inner Circles past those two are becoming part of the 'Heavenly Hosts'.

JeRemiel [sic] must therefore be close to and below Gabriel on the other side: 'those who rise' being then presumably those who rise from the Underworld (Azrael), on the Outer Circle (although it is arguable that anyone, anywhere on the Inner Circle is 'rising' in another** sense).

Of the remaining two, at the top, Raguel as Avenger of God against the World of the Luminaries (i.e. those pertaining to the Light) can be above*** Gabriel, where ({(i.e. above Gabriel)} those rising with the Light within themselves are to be turned round and sent back and down round the Inner Circle – so God's 'vengeance' is very much in their own interests.

Sariel, on the other hand, as Avenger**** of God against the Spirits who sin in the Spirit, is above*** Michael, where [i.e. above Michael] he pulls such Spirits, rising on the Outer Circle, on past Raguel# and round and down again on that Outer Circle in the same direction; and 'Sariel' is, of course, a dead ringer for '[xS]', or even '[xS] S(corpio)'.

I had acquired Enoch (Book of) before I wrote '[2]' (where xS first appears), but was under the impression that I had not read it.

*[See last previous entry.]

**(spiral) <930420>

***['above' on the Circles – not necessarily 'above' in the hierarchy. <20160512>]

****{?/set over? (see S&C 14:1)}

#[i.e. over the 'top' of the Circle, past IsRafel. <20160512>]



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