Wednesday 15 June 2016

{Archangels (1)}[5th July 1987]

[Redbook4:7][19870705:1745g]{Archangels (1)}[5th July 1987]


Very soon after we arrived here*, we received a set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (cut price for what is partly last year's edition). Although I had been slightly hesitant – the idea seemed, to my fearful pride, almost vulgar – the reality is a revelation in itself. I had ordered it hoping to develop my fundamental Scientific theory** a little, but instead have been delighted (through index-linked dipping) to discover, for example, that Michael is the Archangel of the Word (of Creation***), and that Uriel (my equivalent**** for Azrael) is the Archangel of the Underworld.#

I also set out to look up Sufi in the Index and opened it first time at the right page – an old and pleasing accident; I haven't had time to read the entries yet.


**[=?! Presumably a fundamental theory about Science rather than of Science.]

***(hence a technician.)

****or proximate? [This changed later, to adjacent (diagonal)]

#(hence at {or near} the bottom of the Circles.)

{A reminder (per E[ncyclopedia] B[ritannica], Brewer['s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (Centenary Edition, 1970; 1971).] etc.):
Raphael {'God has healed' <890831>}
Heals the Earth [']which the Angels have defiled.'
(Guardian of Human Spirits) (=Suriel [sic]))
over the Spirits of Men ((Ch[arles, Tr., Book of Enoch[presumably]])
(cf. Israfil, Angel of the Last Judgement.)

Michael {'Who is like God' <890831>}
(Guardian of Israel),
Great Captain,
(Islam: Provider)
Angel of the Word (of Creation).
Set over the best part of Mankind
[and] over chaos (Ch[arles, Tr., Book of Enoch[presumably]])

Gabriel {'God-Strong-man' <890831>}
Ruler of/is set over Paradise
the Seraphim (Serpents) &
Cherubim (Ch[arles, Tr., Book of Enoch])
(Islam: Revealer)
(of the Revelation)

& cf.
Izrail, Islamic Angel
of Death

#Since when --
from E[ncyclopedia] B[ritannica] & [The Book of] Enoch XX ([Transl.] Charles)
I have the names and functions of the 7 Archangels (excluding Muslim Azrael). After 3 already known, placing seems relatively easy(!) by function, with two of the names checking: Sariel (E[ncyclopedia] B[ritannica]) beautifully for Ariel [per [2]], and Uriel, as close to an anagram of Leo [per [2]](stretching it!).

Uriel: Leader of the Heavenly Hosts
& Guardian of the Underworld (EB)
is over the World and Hell (Charles [BoE])[/] the lowest part (EB)
[–] must be [xL]

(But Uriel & Remiel could be reversed? <870706.0045>)

Guardian of the Souls in the Underworld (EB)
whom God has set over those who rise (Ch. [BoE])
presumably on the Outer Circle, if from the Underworld, so must be [xP].

(near anagram of Aquarius [sic] <880613>
Avenger of God, against the World of Lights (EB),
/of the Luminaries (Ch. [BoE]) (= pertaining (belonging) to light (O[xford] E[nglish] D[ictionary]))
(C[oncise] O[xford] D[ictionary]: Light-giving body; person of intellectual, moral or spiritual eminence; person of light & leading[?] <890831>.
[xS] turns round (or not) those rising to the light on the Outer Circle, to return on the Inner Circle;

Sariel (EB)/Saraqael [{corrected} from Sarquel] ((Ch. [BoE])
('Saraquel [sic] may be anagrammatically related to 'Scorpio'?? <880613>)
Avenger of (EB)/Set over ((Ch. [BoE]) the Spirits who sin in the Spirit
<i.e.> who pass round again on the Outer Circle via [xA]

(& see [[Redbook4:246-248][19871221:0000#]{The Mantelpiece}[21st December 1987],] p.248
& [[Redbook4:130-146][19871018:2352#]{Angelic Hierarchies}[5th July 1987],p.] 137)


This makes sense of the curious concept of God's vengeance on those who are drawn to (his) Light, and also on 'those who rise' (although it could be Inner Circle, but not in the context)

<cf [[Redbook4:11-12][19870706:0030]{Archangels (2)}[6th July 1987]]p.12>

{(cf. [[Redbook4:130-146][19871018:2352#]{Angelic Hierarchies}[5th July 1987]]130,139 etc. re ranks)



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