Tuesday 14 June 2016

{Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel [continued (3)]}[5th July 1987]

[Redbook4:5][19870705:1745f]{Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel [continued (3)]}[5th July 1987]


One must remember* that Michelangelo was painting the Pope's private chapel: heretics could be burnt at the stake. It is probably for this reason that there are very few symbols on the Ceiling, but very many 'non-ideological' indications, e.g. gestures and expressions, to help the pattern along. Nevertheless the structure between the Unity/Attraction (God alone, and Noah**{[=] Jonah?}) and Diversity/Distraction (Zechariah*** – who is not one of the ordinary run of Prophets and Sybils – and the oblivion of Noah) along the Ceiling, and between the predominantly male and the predominantly female sides across the Ceiling, seems to me to be crystal-clear.****

It was the Horns# of Moses#* that first put me on to this – cf. Tarot XV, named 'The Devil', at Revelation? (although Moses was a Lawgiver – but not a Lawmaker?).#**

*[See last previous entry.]

**{I think I must have meant to write 'Jonah'!}

***(Could even be because his initial letter is a Z?)

****{See S&C 11-4.}

#cf. III[[Redbook3:174][19870412:1049b]{The Horned Priest}[12th April 1987]].174.

#*This is the central figure on the tomb of Pope Julius II, Michelangelo's patron, who commissioned the Ceiling: a reference to the Pope's role? <871221>.

#**Apparently the horns were due to a translator's error (per Brewer['s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (Centenary Edition, 1970; 1971).] <88109>

{& see p. 253.}


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