Monday 21 September 2015

{The Man Made of Glass}[23rd September 1985]

[Redbook2:372[19850923:0048c]{The Man Made of Glass}[23rd September 1985]


This entry had been meant to be in a new book I have bought for this 'journal', since I had intended to comment more directly on current matters in the outside world; but the entry seemed more appropriate to this volume; I may find it harder to change than I think (or rather, I may find the change does not occur as I expected).

I was, however, struck by the necessity, in writing, to live into the good and the terrible among the actions of men, not in the third person but in the first person of my narrator, Y, the man made of glass. So terrible are some of the things that this implies that I do doubt the possibility of ever publishing them even on our own, which in turn casts doubt on [the] acquisition of printing equipment; but these doubts are better left to resolve themselves.

So far as current affairs are concerned, all comments in retrospect seem to miss the point; the question is whether, or to what extent, a commitment to truth (in the sense, perhaps, of the ultimately objective) can avoid the viewpoints and prejudices which arise from material involvement.

* S[E-T] once told me (re [1]) that schizophrenics(?) (or was it some other mental disease?) commonly believe themselves to be made of glass. <880325>


[cf the prologue to [0] (which was almost certainly what gave rise to S[E-T]’s comment, as she read a draft): ‘I become clear glass: invisible, inaudible, I am perceived only through the vision in me of that which is beyond me, or with an indefinable touch. But the vision shifts, redefining reality....’ <20200604>]

[& cf [[Redbook5:267][19880808:2229c]{Separation and Forgetfulness}[8th August 1988] <20180924>]

[& cf [Redbook7:4-5][19900102:1645]{A Secular Church in a Religious World (2) [continued]}[2nd January 1990]<20200817>]

[The Times article of 16/12/85, ‘When Freedom is a life sentence. The tragedy of schizophrenia: keeping patients in the community can tear their families apart’ inserted here in the ms is discussed & extracted at [Redbook4:230-232][19871215:2232]{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987]ff <20210618>]


[End of Redbook2]

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