Wednesday 16 September 2015

{A Dream: Return through the Tunnel [continued]}[6th August 1985]

[Redbook2:367-371[19850806:2138b]{A Dream: Return through the Tunnel [continued]}[6th August 1985]


During the day [W] and I were both greatly depressed, and [d] was fractious and unhappy. I thought about the dream* quite a lot, since it seemed significant, but could make little sense of it. Only three people that I could recall have used our copier, and all within the last few weeks: my mother for copying the particulars of her house, [TM]** for copying letters to agents and her curricula vitae, and my elderly cousin [SG] for copying the sales notes printed by the publisher of her nephew [IG]'s book. They have all done so with our encouragement, naturally without charge, and I have certainly never thought of them as stealing copies. However, I have strong feelings about the making of unauthorised copies of copyright material, which I regard in most cases as a form of theft, and I have on several occasions seen copies of printed sheet music being made in our local copy shop. Presumably publishers' notes are copyright, although I am sure that the publisher would have been delighted.

A couple of hours ago my mother rang to say that [S[G]] had been found dead in her house this morning by the cleaner. Although long-expected, this is a very sad thing as [S[G]] was one of the very few of our relations with whom [W] and I had an excellent understanding: we shared a similar view of the World and sense of humour, and I shall miss her very much. When [d] was born six weeks ago, [S[G]] unexpectedly appeared at the hospital, dressed up for the occasion, and spent some time with us watching and discussing [d]; and she came to see [d] once again, when she made the copies. She could be quite forceful on matters of opinion; but she always kept her sense of humour, giving (for example) at the hospital a superb imitation of my mother walking down the street, which did not amuse my mother.

*[See last previous entry]

**{(later [d]'s Godmother)}



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