Thursday 3 March 2022

{Fin de Siècle}[21st September 1990]

[Redbook7:312-314][19900921:1435]{Fin de Siècle}[21st September 1990]




I’ve been toying with the idea of trying a century-cycle fit onto recent European history, as a test to see whether the period* is irrelevant, ie the cycle is imaginary. This has the merit that others have tried it – ‘fin de siècle’ – [and] the demerit that the century is such a major mental phenomenon that it is quite likely to make some impression on subjective outlooks of participants and thus upon their attitudes and actions. One would expect a faint influence from such a subjective phenomenon as a century, to be contrasted with a marked influence from an objective phenomenon such as the C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] cycle structure is supposed to be.

The cutting attached** shows something of that contrast.

*[ie whatever period one chooses. ‘Any’ is crossed out before ‘the period’. ]

**ref [This entry, [Redbook7:312-314][19900921:1435]{Fin de Siècle}[21st September 1990],] 313[A]

[‘The world after the Wake’[:] ‘If the Eiffel Tower [1887-89] heralded the beginning of the Modern, Finnegans Wake marked its end. Now postmodernism is dying – where next? Malcolm Bradbury looks back to another fin de siècle when the world could face a ‘new age’ with optimism.’ – The Guardian 19900920:25 (This interesting whole-broadsheet-page article, which is mainly (but not exclusively) concerned with literature and literary figures, is far too long to reproduce here even if copyright allowed, & is difficult to pin down for the purposes of summary or extract.)]



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