Monday 14 March 2022

{Economic Cycles (3)}[23rd September 1990]

[Redbook7:320-323][19900923:1945]{Economic Cycles (3)}[23rd September 1990]


The interpretation and possible prediction of economic K[ondratieff] (and possibly J[uglar] cycles in terms of oscillations on the basic 64-year and 8-year cycles (respectively) requires matching to the basic C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] pattern. This is turn requires an understanding of what is actually happening in the various phases of an economic cycle.



Superficially, a ‘crisis’ occurs at the ‘high’ point of a boom: millions are being made, and a sudden crash exposes the hollowness of the trade.

A closer examination of both the meaning of terms and the course of events suggests a much steadier underlying pattern.

*ref VI. [[Redbook6:333][19891026:1125c]{Schumpeter K[, Kondratieff, & Juglar] Cycles}[26th October 1989](&f?),] 333

See [[Redbook7:279][19900911:1036b]{Economic Cycles}[11th September 1990],] 279.

[[Redbook7:291][19900914:0940b]{Economic Cycles (2)}[14th September 1990],] 291**

**[Underlining added later]



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