Thursday 31 March 2022

{4096-year Cycles (2)}[24th September 1990]

[Redbook7:330-331][19900924:1315]{4096-year Cycles (2)}[24th September 1990]

(Amended ff)





Climatic changes at end of Pleistocene Age;

Start of move to agriculture


Farming villages




First agricultural societies (“complete regional cultural sequences” of village-farming) replacing hunter-gatherers

(Also first known use of (copper) (metals) (c6500bce)


Threshold of urban civilisation; end of pre-history

***By c4000bce

1st towns – southern Mesopotamia


Bronze first used (eg in Greece); 1st logo-syllabic writing ((c3000)****


Spread of use of bronze; (ff 1st (consonant) alphabets)


Start of Iron Age; 1st true alphabet (Greek)

It may be possible to see at least tentatively the basic structure of cycles in the history and immediate history of ‘modern’ (ie agricultural-industrial,#* or perhaps we should say Technological) Man.

Most significantly, the beginning of agriculture – if this is at all accurate#** – gives us a c8192-year cycle to 2048 (from c6144bce) (We are not likely to trace back a longer ‘historical’ cycle than this, for Mankind).

That c8192 year cycle tends to validate c2048bce as marking the beginning of the general Bronze Age, although that is still a speculative notion.#***

*[[Redbook7:309][19900918:1040b]{4096-year Cycles (1)}[18th September 1990] →]

**E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 16:932; 26:47,51,52[;] (BUT 26:45)

***E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 26:52

****c3500bceff 1st good evidence for writing (E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 78:947) <900926>

#{& see [[Redbook7:345][19900930:1108]{4096-year Cycles (3)}[30th September 1990],] 345}

#*ie in ‘Civil’ Societies (per E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 16:932)

#**IT ISN’T – see below [next entry, fn=** & fn=***] – so ignore this.

#***(Clearly it is rather arbitrary to choose the beginning of agriculture – critical though that is – but only the spread of bronze)



Wednesday 30 March 2022

{The Music of Transformation}[24th September 1990]

[Redbook7:329][19900924:1248]{The Music of Transformation}[24th September 1990]


‘Successful music, powerful music, has an effect upon us that many have tried in vain to describe; it takes us out of ourselves,* they say, and perhaps they need say no more than that.’**


*cf … (earlier) []

[& [1] (revised)]

**[For position of musicians (& comedians) on the circle, see [Redbook2:133][19780831:2240]{Narrative Dreams}[31st August 1978] fn: ‘[A Times 28/10/78 cutting inserted here headed “Birthdays give clue to careers” & “An undiscovered biological rhythm may be the key” reports on statistical research into the effect of birthdays on character and occupation by Professor Alan Smithers of Manchester University’s Department of Education, reported in the American “Journal of Social Psychology” & referenced extensively in later journal entries here.]

*** E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 0:219



Tuesday 29 March 2022

{Dream: ‘I am a member of the Church, and I demand to be heard.’ [continued]}[24th September 1990]

[Redbook7:329][19900924:0605b]{Dream: ‘I am a member of the Church, and I demand to be heard.’ [continued]}[24th September 1990]



The dream* ends: I am awake. (But so vivid was the dream that I was unsure at the time when exactly I had passed from sleep to wakefulness: the process in retrospect seemed more gradual, and began during the dream).

I lie awake for a few minutes, going over the dream, then decide to get up and write it down. When I look at my watch, it is within a few minutes after 6 o’clock. Yesterday, of course[,] was Sunday; when I get downstairs I realise that it was also 23rd of September, which date (and not 21st September, as I had mis-remembered it within the last few days) is the astrological Equinox. It is dawn. In other words, it is precisely the g~ time of day at precisely the m~(/G~) time of year** (not to mention the g~ period of my second 32-year cycle): perhaps one of the four most crucial dated in the year, in C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis terms.***

*[See last previous entry]

**(eg St Michael’s Day, 29th September)

***{cf VIII. [[Redbook8:136-138][19901221:2050]{Sphinx versus Griffin}[21st December 1990],] 136)

(set down and amended

by 0725)


Sunday 27 March 2022

{Dream: ‘I am a member of the Church, and I demand to be heard.’}[24th September 1990]

[Redbook7:327-329][19900924:0605]{Dream: ‘I am a member of the Church, and I demand to be heard.’}[24th September 1990]


It’s not often these days that I have a dream so powerful, so urgent, that I have to get up at once to attempt to record it.

*I am at the Diocesan Office (I presume) of the Church: speaking from the doorway into the office to an official whom I do not recognise. I am angry:** asking something about my unsuccessful candidacy for ordination in the Church […] (perhaps why my letter of nearly five months ago, and my copy and reminder of about one and a half moths ago, have not been answered; or perhaps just why I was not accepted: I don’t recall).

At some stage he says that *** I lacked social skills: that I was ‘wooden’ in my dealings with other people. I point out the circumstances which led to this – the (bureaucratic and formal) nature of the proceedings, and the long waiting period, to none of which I am accustomed nowadays. I also tell him, becoming more angry, that this is the third reason I have been given for my rejection.**** This seems to disconcert him: he goes off to talk to someone.

I am taken to wait outside a door, inside which I think that either Archbishop or Assistant Bishop is at work. Gradually it emerges that I am in the wings of a kind of stage, off which this door leads. The Archbishop hurries past (from another door), towards the front of the stage, nodding in a friendly way. I continue to wait.

The Assistant Bishop suddenly emerges pulling on his episcopal vestments (of some sort) as if to go to a service. He sees me but moves straight past me towards the front of the stage, and I realise that he is the last to join the line of Bishops for some sort of prayer.#

I am monetarily confused, but follow him towards the front of the stage, then#* move off sideways between a few rows of chairs facing the hall – mostly empty, but I am in a bit of a hurry and have some difficulty getting through, knocking (over?) one or two chairs near the side.

I go to the back of the hall and wander round looking for a seat. Despite the fact that the hall is practically empty, it is difficult at first to find a seat which I can sit in.#** I sit eventually next to some children(?) but my clothes at first trail in their food – for this is not after all a religious service, but lunch.

Suddenly (where, I am not sure) I am facing the Assistant Bishop. It has become clear that my social ‘woodenness’ was in relation to the other candidates before the interview: that we were being observed by a ‘plant’ among them. #*** I tell the Assistant Bishop: (You fool,) I was praying. #**** I tell him that the Church has no business telling lies. I say: ‘This has nothing to do with … (me as a candidate for ordination). I am a member of the church and I demand to be heard!


*In this Dream...

**But I am detached from my anger: it is not personal, merely functional.

***(it was because)

****(I suppose this is taking the formal letter of rejection, and the reply to my request for further explanation, as two different reasons: or perhaps I have in mind the impact of my [application] form itself, (ref eg [[Redbook7:44-53][19900214:1100d]{Form MC/PS/90/1: Be My Valentine}[14th February 1990],] 50, 51), as an unwritten factor I my rejection)

#(The Governing Body of the Church […] met in […] on Wed[nesday] & Thu[rsday] last week: I had other engagements, the first day having been fixed before I knew of the G[overning] B[ody].)

#*(ie in order to)

#**(Not only is this a potent symbol for non-acceptance, it actually happened to me at the last Governing Body (which was over-full), where a clergyman had a go at me for sitting in the members’ [sic] part of the hall!)

{& cf dream: VI?...[]}

#***(Although I really don’t suppose for a moment that there was a ‘plant’, it is a curious fact that – I being last but one – when I went back {to the waiting room} to pick up my coat, the final candidate – an older man, for the lay ministry – was chatting to the officials.)

#****(There may be more before the final sentence, which I have forgotten)

##(I think as I was writing this, the magnetic ‘pull’ of the final declaration made me forget some of the preceding part of this dream)



{Tales from the Arabian Nights}[23rd September 1990]

[Redbook7:326][19900923:2325]{Tales from the Arabian Nights}[23rd September 1990]


I did like John Bullock’s story* from Baghdad of picking up his telephone again, just after completing a call, only to hear his telephone tappers discussing how boring it was having to listen to journalists talking to people or dictating their copy.

*Ind[ependent] on Sun[day] 960923:16


{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued (6)]}[23rd September 1990]

[Redbook7:326][19900923:1945m]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued (6)]}[23rd September 1990]



Incidentally, I do like (in the above)* the way the dependence of M~ (eg neo-classicism) on C (eg classical art) parallels directly the close link in my archetype fictions between +M and +C – which was written in to [sic] preliminary notes** right from the beginning, if my memory is correct.

*ref [[Redbook7:324-325][19900923:1945k]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued (4)]}[23rd September 1990]&f?] 325

[& ref [Redbook7:324][19900923:1945i]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued]}[23rd September 1990]]

**ref II …? (notes inserted [in ms])


Sunday 20 March 2022

{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued (5)]}[23rd September 1990]

[Redbook7:325][19900923:1945l]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued (5)]}[23rd September 1990]



I can’t make a lot of theoretical sense of what so far – admittedly on only two examples – seems a reasonably strong pattern.*

I suppose the progression Visual art – Literature – Music represents an essentially outer-circle [sic] rotation.

Certainly, although the cumulative effect of the whole European cultural explosion of the last 500 years continues, and looks set to continue continuing,** each of the movements indicated here* for classicism within a particular mode*** lasted only within a century,**** or at most two: the contrast again# is of the i[nner] c[ircle] rotation evident in the 2048[-year] cycle, but not (or at least not anything like so clearly) in the 512-year cycle, which is the level at which specific expressions are found.

*[See last 4 previous entries, [Redbook7:323-326][19900923:1945h]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements}[23rd September 1990]ff]


***[ie presumably of art, eg visual art, literature, music]

****Fin[-]de[-]siecle-ism, dear me!

[cf [[Redbook7:312-314][19900921:1435]{Fin de Siècle}[21st September 1990]]]

#[See, presumably, last previous entry]

#*For example, in local terms, the current 512 7th 1/8th, 1920-1984, could hardly be described as a period of political or cultural inward action and harmony m~-s~ by comparison with the rest of the cycle; on the other hand, a longer view of the 2048-year last quarter so far, ie 1536 to date, shows political revolution (and even signs of ‘simplification’ – 1792ff?) but also in cultural terms, by comparison with 0-1536ce, signs of inward action and cultural harmony. This is obviously highly subjective: what is cultural harmony? I can’t define it, but I think I know it when I see it.



{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued (4)]}[23rd September 1990]

[Redbook7:324-325][19900923:1945k]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued (4)]}[23rd September 1990]



m~, [sic] however, both imitates (more O[uter] C[ircle]?) and aspires to (more I[nner] C[ircle] C, being hierarchical, traditional, etc.; so the imitation of r~-c-s~* forms, at least, may be expected at M~ (O[uter] C[ircle]).

The (current) 512-year M is 1664, ie mid-17th century: after the classical Renaissance in visual art; near the beginning of literary classicism (and the Enlightenment); and before the great period of Classical music.**

(It should be added, just to make this seem less convincing, that the centuries-long movement of which all these are a part – Reformation, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Industrial-Technological Revolution etc. – is seen as the final quarter[-]circle of the 2048-year cycle of Christian Europe,*** which is about the only other**** cycle in which the evidence of a significant I[nner] C[ircle] rotation is clearly visible: this final arc is therefore m~/G~-s~/R~-C.)

*[See last previous entry]

**ref [[Redbook7:323-326][19900923:1945h]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements}[23rd September 1990],] 323 [3rd para]

***(See draft circle map 8.? in booklet)

****ref [ entry before last, [Redbook7:324][19900923:1945i]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued]}[23rd September 1990]] 324



{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued (3)]}[23rd September 1990]

[Redbook7:324][19900923:1945j]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued (3)]}[23rd September 1990]



The characteristics associated with the art of classical antiquity – ‘harmony, clarity, restraint, universality and idealism’* – are those of the arc r~-c-s~:


*per E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 3:355

**[re Idealism:] (See V:[[Redbook5:171][19880618:1855]{The Metaphysic of Metaphysics}[18th June 1988],] 171 ‘The Metaphysic of Metaphysics’)



{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued]}[23rd September 1990]

[Redbook7:324][19900923:1945i]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued]}[23rd September 1990]



I guess that by ‘classicism’* we mean something of the M~ degree, contrasted with ‘romanticism’ of the G~ degree: this is how I have always understood it in C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] terms.

It’s worth noting that this, more properly ‘neo-classicism’, harks back to an original classical art which in 2048-[year-]cycle terms occurs around C~** (Latin), or in Greece even further back around 512bc[e], G~[/]m~*** of the previous 2048 year cycle (Ancient Greece**** is one of the very few# cycles where the I[nner] C[ircles] rotation is clearly discernible concurrently with the O[uter] C[ircle] contra-rotation.

*[See last previous entry]

**[ie 0ce]

***[ms has G~-m~, which cannot have been intended as it makes no sense in fitting the date to the cycle & is contradicted by the parenthesis immediately following]

****(See (draft) cycle plan/map 6.2 in booklet)

#[For an/the other, see next entry but one, [Redbook7:324-325][19900923:1945k]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements [continued (4)]}[23rd September 1990]]



{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements}[23rd September 1990]

[Redbook7:323-326][19900923:1945h]{Succession of Media in Artistic Movements}[23rd September 1990]



The notions* that economics, at A~, should oscillate most from the regular cycle,** and religious revival at C least (both of which notions show indications of being true[)], imply of course that cultural-revolutionary and ‘imperialistic’-military affairs should come somewhere between, as the G~-M~ axis (unless G~ is expected to oscillate yet more wildly, which seems unlikely).***

This is not altogether born out by a possible tendency for new cultural movements to introduce themselves first in painting, then in literature, and finally in music: for instance, in the case of Modernism it seems possible to argue that literature may have followed visual art:**** the former before, and the latter after, the # Great War, on the notional (as yet unconfirmed, because as yet unresearched) 64-year cycle for culture.

On the 8-times-larger scale of the 512-year cycle, the ‘classicism’ of the Renaissance visual artists seems to have preceded (in the 15th-16th centuries) the full flowering of classicism in literature, #* if that can be said to have occurred in France (17thC[entury]), England (18thC[entury]), and Germany; in music the great ‘classical’ period arises in the late 18th century.

*ref [[Redbook7:291][19900914:0940]{Integration of Cycles (2)}[14th September 1990],&f(?),] 291, &c?

[& see [Redbook7:290][19900913:2209e]{Integration of Cycles (1)}[13th September 1990]]

**[See last previous entry]

***[& difficult to incorporate?]

****ref [[Redbook7:312-314][19900921:1435]{Fin de Siècle}[21st September 1990],] 313A


#*ref (& pace) E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 3:355-6

