Monday 18 October 2021

{The Green Shift}[24th August 1990]

[Redbook7:231-232][19900824:2328]{The Green Shift}[24th August 1990]


When he saw that we had painted the window-sills, guttering etc. of [CH] green, our neighbour [...] – who has become quite friendly since he heard we were going – said: ‘The old people wouldn’t like that’: and yes, it was Bad Luck to paint a house green, although he, of course, did not believe it.*

In my C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis]-based fictions, green, I think, represents the shift of (for example) Archetypes – in particular, the upwards vertical shift of the Archetypes C and +Mk – +C†I~, and A~ (antichrist).** But although the direction of shift is the same, the result (to Human perception at least) is quite different. The upwards shift of +C, represented by the greenness at times of (for example) his eyes, moderates him, and to some extent moderates the Qualities, Principles, Attributes, etc. of the Christ Archetype, in an ‘outward’ direction: as he is at the degree of ‘goodness’, which is a relative movement towards the Spirit, moderation outwards is not so ‘good’.

The similarly green-tinted upward shift of A~, by contrast, moderates the nadir of darkness in him, a darkness which is the extreme of separation from the Spirit and in which arises the extreme of evil; and this inward shift can only be to the ‘good’, as defined in terms of movement towards the Spirit.


*cf white as a colour of bad future and mourning in eg Indonesia <900825>

**(also xP (J~) in [2]. <900825>

***(all this re-revised <19900825>)

[The 2nd & 3rd paras in the ms contain many deletions, mostly so complete as to conceal what has been deleted]



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