Monday 25 October 2021

{Islamic Cycles (2)}[25th August 1990]

[Redbook7:235-236][19900825:0048b]{Islamic Cycles (2)}[25th August 1990]




*My analysis of Islam’s 2048 year cycle in isolation may be misconceived – if you read its beginning at c[irca] M~ on the CE** 2048 year cycle, its early military success is more clearly explained. It is, after all, one of the three Religions of the Book. Islam’s current crisis should then be analysed in terms of its own cycle and the CE** cycle.***


It is not clear what the effect of this would be. One possibility is that the influence of the CE’s** 2048 year C degree and the Muslim cycle’s approaching G~ degree would produce an R~ effect for Islam. Or one or other cycle could be dominant.

If the Muslim cycle was dominant for Islam, things would be much as I have analysed them before,**** ie G~ degree approaching and another 500 years or more until the end of the cycle.

If the C.E.** cycle was dominant, clearly Islam’s future would be bound up more strongly with that of the West.

*{[[Redbook7:208-210][19900811:2250]{Islamic Cycles (1)}[11th August 1990]ff,] 210 →}

**[Christian/Common Era]

***{(This is much of what was said or implied at [[Redbook7:208-210][19900811:2250]{Islamic Cycles (1)}[11th August 1990]ff,] 210)}

****{ref [[Redbook7:208-210][19900811:2250]{Islamic Cycles (1)}[11th August 1990],]] 208}

[Continued in entry after next – & see next entry]


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