Sunday 3 October 2021

{Nationalism [continued (6)]}[18th August 1990]

[Redbook7:220-221][19900818:0955h]{Nationalism [continued (6)]}[18th August 1990]



Detachment from self is essential when considering the whole matter* – from either side. But my 15 hours or so a week spent studying Welsh last winter, and the fact that I am currently continuing with this difficult language not just out of a sense of obligation but because it fascinates me, suggest that I am not anti-Welsh or the Welsh culture – any more than is Mrs Blodwen Griffiths, ** the leader of the campaign for parental choice of educational medium (which in effect means not having Welsh {medium} education imposed on English-speaking children), who is herself Welsh-speaking.


But I think it would be enough to say that I consider Pont misnamed. Its agenda is perfectly permissible for a political party, which is what is behind it: presumably Plaid Cymru,**** of which Evans# is or was I believe a leading light.# But it is not so much a Bridge as a Drawbridge, which would I think go up very fast if you tried to reverse the flow of ideas and information by putting the incomer’s point of view.


*[See [Redbook7:218][19900818:0955d]{Nationalism [continued]}[18th August 1990]; 7 last previous entry]


***(The Llanybydder(?) branch of Pont recently came out in favour of compulsory Welsh-medium education for all.)

****The Welsh Nationalist [sic] Party

#[Gwynfor Evans, President of Plaid Cymru, the Welsh nationalist party, 1945-1981; see last previous entry]




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