Saturday 30 January 2021

{Soliciting the Future [continued]}[9th March 1990]

[Redbook7:81][19900309:2320]{Soliciting the Future [continued]}[9th March 1990]


At the very least, it* gives me a fall-back position: and one which is likely to earn me more money (and definitely very much sooner)** than will being ordained,*** so that I can rid myself of the financial incentive to join the Ministry. This ridding is actually very important to me.

Country soliciting also has a certain amount in common with pastoral care, I suspect....

*[See last previous entry]

**[For context see [Redbook7:68-71][19900219:1936]{...[WBW]}[19th February 1990]ff, & esp

[Redbook7:70-71][19900219:1936c]{...[WBW][continued (3)]}[19th February 1990]]

***{The current order is:

A. Church (pretty much given up)

B. Shop.

C. Undemanding part-time job.

D. Soliciting.}****

****[The double-entendre on the word ‘soliciting’ is conscious, long-established, and so well known as to be unremarked in practice....]


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