Saturday 9 January 2021

{3 Dreams: of Railway Stations [continued (9)]}[19th February 1990]

[Redbook7:63][19900219:1037]{3 Dreams: of Railway Stations [continued (9)]}[19th February 1990]


There does seem likely to be some link between these railway-junction-station dreams and points of crisis.

The first of these three major dreams of this kind which I have noted (there have been many other railway dreams)* was noted on 19840702,** just two days after I noted*** that we had decided to start winding down our business – only just over a year after we had gained our first client, and 1½ years after we had started the business and I had left employment.****

The second was noted on 19880620,# almost exactly four years after the first and at the time when I was beginning to involve myself in the Church and to consider seriously whether I ought to become a Priest#* (if my recollection is correct.[)]

The latest dream#** of course comes at a time when that dilemma is particularly acute – except when I resolve to leave it to the Spirit.

*[eg [Redbook2:302-303][19830826:1045]{A Dream of the Holy City?}[26th August 1983;

[Redbook2:341-343][19840702:0830]{A Dream: The Right Lines}[2nd July1984]ff;

[Redbook2:350][19841118:1935]{A Dream: Of Destinations}[18th November 1984];

[Redbook2:360][19850531:1038]{A Dream: Of Giving Birth}[31st May 1985];

[Redbook2:302-303][19830826:1045]{A Dream of the Holy City?}[26th August 1983];[Redbook3:7][19860505:2012b]{Dreams of Lines and Landscapes: (1) The [Preserved Railway] Line ([near C]}[5th May 1986];

[Redbook3:7-8][19860505:2012c]{Dreams of Lines and Landscapes: (2) The [London Railway] Line (North Downs)}[5th May 1986];

[Redbook3:164-166][19870410:1000]({Dream of} PERSHORE)[10th April 1987];

& cf: 

[Redbook2:351][19841118:1935b]{Symbolic Lines}[18th November 1984];

[Redbook3:16-18][19860907:0612k]{A Dream: [(7)] The Church Militant}[7th September 1986];

[Redbook3:54-55][19870329:1210c](THE CIRCLES [continued(3)])[29th March 1987];

[Redbook4:162][19871121:0200b]{Number Cards and Railways}[21st November 1987];

[Redbook5:140][19880607:1930]{Railway Mandalas}[7th June 1988];

[Redbook6:241][19890912:1140h]{(C & A[~])}[12th September 1989]]

** II. [[Redbook2:341-343][19840702:0830]{A Dream: The Right Lines}[2nd July1984],] 341

***II. [[Redbook2:337-338][19840630:1315]{Plans}[30th June 1984],] 337

****[& see (next entry but one,) [Redbook7:64-65][19900219:1037c]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (3)}[19th February 1990]]

#V. [[Redbook5:182-183][19880620:0000b[?]]{Dream: of a Re-opened Railway}[20th June 1988],] 182

#*eg ref V. [(presumably) [Redbook5:185-186][19880620:1040b]{Revival?}[20th June 1988],] 185,

[(presumably) [Redbook5:119][19880509:1135j]{Church (1)}[9th May 1988],] 119,

[[Redbook5:121-122][19880523:1212b]{Church (2)}[23rd May 1988],] 121,

[[Redbook5:121-122][19880523:1212b]{Church (2)}[23rd May 1988]&f,] 123

#**[[Redbook7:59-63][19900218:2257]{3 Dreams: of Railway Stations}[18th February 1990]]


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