Sunday 31 January 2021

{Cartesian Psychology Co-ordinates}[11th March 1990]

[Redbook7:82][19900311:2332]{Cartesian Psychology Co-ordinates}[11th March 1990]


On television today, I briefly saw a diagram of European attitudes ({time about 1315* – BBC1?) plotted on a Cartesian frame in much the same sort of layout as they would be on the circles, ie:

For example (if I recall correctly) Enthusiasm was at c.R~, and Achievement at c.S~. Points were plotted not only at various degrees (Polar co-ordinates) but at various radial distances as well [sic]. It isn’t surprising that such an archetypal idea as the circle framework should emerge in different guises in different specialisations;....**

*[ie time of broadcast, not year of attitudes]

**[Sentence continues in next entry]


Saturday 30 January 2021

{Soliciting the Future [continued]}[9th March 1990]

[Redbook7:81][19900309:2320]{Soliciting the Future [continued]}[9th March 1990]


At the very least, it* gives me a fall-back position: and one which is likely to earn me more money (and definitely very much sooner)** than will being ordained,*** so that I can rid myself of the financial incentive to join the Ministry. This ridding is actually very important to me.

Country soliciting also has a certain amount in common with pastoral care, I suspect....

*[See last previous entry]

**[For context see [Redbook7:68-71][19900219:1936]{...[WBW]}[19th February 1990]ff, & esp

[Redbook7:70-71][19900219:1936c]{...[WBW][continued (3)]}[19th February 1990]]

***{The current order is:

A. Church (pretty much given up)

B. Shop.

C. Undemanding part-time job.

D. Soliciting.}****

****[The double-entendre on the word ‘soliciting’ is conscious, long-established, and so well known as to be unremarked in practice....]


Friday 29 January 2021

{Soliciting the Future}[7th March 1990]

[Redbook7:80-81][19900307:2322]{Soliciting the Future}[7th March 1990]


When I saw the referees’ form for the Church, on Sunday,* I felt physically ill: disorientated and peculiar. This, and overwhelming tiredness, lasted through Monday: what kind of a Church is this? On Monday night I went to bed {saying}** inwardly: I’ll do whatever you want me to do... (or something similar). On Tuesday, the day of our exploratory drive to England, I woke up quite calm with the original idea that I should become a Solicitor*** (ie instead of a Barrister)**** and work for a firm of Solicitors. Within hours I had rung up the Law Society# and found that it might be possible; I have already started re-reading old legal books, for background.

Of all the towns we visited on Tuesday – Hereford, Ledbury, Malvern, Worcester, Evesham, (Eckington village,) and Tewkesbury were the others – only one really appealed to both of us, and that was the one I particularly wanted to see: Pershore.#*

I feel that I should, if I can, stick to my declared intention and pursue my application for ordination as far as it will take me, however uncomfortable it may become (however uncomfortable?).#** The concentration of the mind has been useful, in terms of study; there is also the faint possibility that what I have said, and/or have to say, might actually be useful to the Church....#***

*[4th March 1990; the date of this journal entry, the 7th, was a Wednesday]

**[ms originally had ‘asking’]

***[an Attorney, in other jurisdictions]

****[as the writer then was; an Advocate, in other jurisdictions]

#[The Solicitors’ professional body]

#*ref III. [[Redbook3:164-166][19870410:1000]({Dream of} PERSHORE)[10th April 1987]&f,] 164

#**(I think that it could become very uncomfortable indeed.)

#***{cf [[Redbook7:115-121][19900404:1531]{The Church and I}[4th April 1990],] 118}



Thursday 28 January 2021

{Cardinal Newman’s Crises}[5th March 1990]

[Redbook7:80][19900305:1715]{Cardinal Newman’s Crises}[5th March 1990]


I picked up from a radio programme yesterday morning (c0830am [sic] R[adio] 4?) the fact that Cardinal Newman’s formal conversion to Roman Catholicism came at the mid-year of his life:







The Oxford Movement began, with Newman as ‘its effective organiser and intellectual leader’,** in 1833, when he was (or was almost) 32. His first significant act as a Roman Catholic seems to have been the foundation of the Oratory in Birmingham in 1848, when he was c47.

*{(ie at age 44)}

**E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] VIII.[657]


Wednesday 27 January 2021

{Form [../../../.]: If you have any other information....}[5th March 1990]

[Redbook7:76-79][19900305:1107]{Form [../../../.]: If you have any other information....}[5th March 1990]


[Pages 76-79 are occupied by a copy of a letter to a referee and a (blank) referee form, not reproduced here.]


Tuesday 26 January 2021

{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5) [continued (5)]}[26th February 1990]

[Redbook7:75][19900226:2049e]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5) [continued (5)]}[26th February 1990]



To get back to where I started (on p72),* with the precise and the actual (ie outer-world) 32-year circles, they are connected by the two crisis-resolution sub-circles which by their reversal of direction reverse the direction of the 2nd actual (and so, presumably, the 2nd precise) 32 year circles [sic].

*[[Redbook7:72-75][19900226:2049]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5)}[26th February 1990]ff]

{→ [[Redbook7:175][19900730:1007]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (6)}[30th July 1990],] 175}

[Pages 76-79 are occupied by a copy of a letter to a referee and a (blank) referee form.]


Monday 25 January 2021

{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5) [continued (4)]}[26th February 1990]

[Redbook7:74-75][19900226:2049d]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5) [continued (4)]}[26th February 1990]



From my own personal cycle, I note that however compulsory or ‘obligatory’ (ie dutiful) influences have affected my actions (the former when I was a child, the latter being the perceived need to pay one’s way, have a career, etc.), the real crisis points at which I changed my life (or felt it change spontaneously – and then had to resolve the resulting internal and external conflicts one way or another over the succeeding period[)] – have occurred within significantly less than a year from the appropriate birthday in each case (well, both cases as I can’t be sure of 16):









Approximate 16



Leave Law

Decision reached 11/75-1/76



Leave employment

(Become self-employed)


*ref III … [not found] (early)



Sunday 24 January 2021

{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5) [continued (3)]}[26th February 1990]

[Redbook7:72-74][19900226:2049c]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5) [continued (3)]}[26th February 1990]



What this* is reminiscent of (final column right)* is the Eighth drift of the Economic Cycles:** Juglar (8-year) Cycles, and Kondratieff (average 50 year) waves (interpreted by me on a 64 year grid):

Summary of 1/8ths drift (– = lag)***

K cycles as 64 years

(over 512 y[ea]r period)

(2nd ½ only)

(with half periods)

J cycles – 8 y[ea]rs

(over 64 year period)

(1st ½ less clear)

([Hunter] personal)

H 4 y[ea]r periods

(over 32 year period)


(1 yr = 2/8ths)

([Hunter] personal)

H 4 y[ea]r periods

(over 32 year period)



(Forgotten my interrupted labelling system already)




# (C)







# (S~)








-3 (-4)



# (M~)


-2 (-3)




0 (-1)



# (U~)


c.0? (+1?)






0 / +1?

# (A~)





# (J~)


Note that on the personal cycle, an 8/64 (8 year intervals of [sic]#** 64 years) cycle (shown to [the] right and marked #) gives a dissimilar pattern – suggesting that the 32-year cycle with 4-year intervals is the determining one at least for Outer Circle patterns. The similarities, especially between J-cycle and my own 4/32, are really quite striking – especially the maximum deviation around J~, which is where you would expect it, and return around C.

*[See last previous entry]

**(ref VI. [[Redbook6:329-332][19891025:0931b]{Economic Cycles}[25th October 1989]ff] 329ff)

***From VI. [[Redbook6:333][19891026:1125c]{Schumpeter K[, Kondratieff, & Juglar] Cycles}[26th October 1989]&f,] 333

****(From [[Redbook7:72-73][19900226:2049b]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5) [continued]}[26th February 1990],] p73 above)

#[See text under table]

#*{(Interesting, that our house sale is already being delayed – intended offered April, still not ready July) [Eventually sold April 1992]

#**[ie over]



Saturday 23 January 2021

{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5) [continued]}[26th February 1990]

[Redbook7:72-73][19900226:2049b]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5) [continued]}[26th February 1990]



This* reminds me of something. Let’s blow it up:

[The ms diagram reproduced above is probably to complex to be extracted into a table in this ts.]

*[See last previous entry]



Friday 22 January 2021

{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5)}[26th February 1990]

[Redbook7:72-75][19900226:2049]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (5)}[26th February 1990]


*A possible relationship appears between the precise 32-year Crisis and the end of its (flexible) resolution period, which can also be seen as a lag to the experiential cycle based on the 32-year cycle. They are connected (in my example) by the two 4-year cycles.

It is extremely difficult to show this diagrammatically.

(Just as the experiential outer circle lagged, 

will an experiential inner circle

then lead, accelerate or catch up?)

[The ms diagram reproduced above is probably too detailed to be extracted into a table in this ts.]

*[[Redbook7:67-68][19900219:1037i]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (4) [continued]}[19th February 1990],] 68→

