Thursday 15 February 2018

{False Christs; True Christ [continued (11)]}[16th March 1988]

[Redbook5:74-75][19880316:1300m]{False Christs; True Christ [continued (11)]}[16th March 1988]


It is quite correct to say that Hinduism and Christianity cannot be fused: no one who was aware of the true Quality of Christ could conceive of such as Kali being worshipped.* But Hinduism recognises that many people do worship Kali and other psychological projections of immense power in their daily lives, without ever going into a temple. These aspects of the mind (whether Hindu deities represent them, as I believe they try to do, or not) exist, whether we like it or not: the evidence is all around us as well as within.

I believe that Christ can raise them to a higher plane, where Kali is transformed into, say, J~, or G~ (the correspondences are unlikely to be exact). What I mean by this is that Christ has the ability by Grace to transform people's whole natures, their state of Mind, so that ** the*** deities of Hinduism are recognised for the demons they are: real, but from a lower or unconverted spiritual and moral order of things. (There is much talk in these two books,**** and the film,# of Kali and Shiva; little or none of Vishnu and Brahma.)

In my fiction, +K shows Kali-ish aspects in [0] and particularly in [1];#* by [2]#** she has largely abandoned them, but it comes out a little[,] after she meets +Mk[,]#*** and [it] is picked up previously by a perceptive Fellow.

*[cf. Last previous entry but one: [Redbook5:73][19880316:1300k]{False Christs; True Christ [continued (9)]}[16th March 1988].]

**(all?) [Surely not; see following sentence, and next fn.]

***[sic; = these?]

****(i.e. Cumbey and Matrisciana.)
[See [Redbook5:67-76][19880316:1300b]{False Christs; True Christ}[16th March 1988]]

#[Redbook5:52][19880314:1115b]{Fundamental Points of View [continued]}[14th March 1988]

#*[Some of which was removed on subsequent revision.]

#**[Subject to revision.]

#***{(in order to invoke the physical power of the [O]?)}



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