Thursday 14 December 2017

{The Letter and the Spirit [continued (3)]}[2nd March 1988]

[Redbook5:26-27][19880302:1842]{The Letter and the Spirit [continued (3)]}[2nd March 1988]


*I think I have commented on **this before: that the other hemisphere, the +M~ hemisphere,*** being of course analytical rather than inspirational, would tend to show a less artistic emphasis (I do not mean by this that those born on that side cannot be involved in the Arts). But I should expect some 'overspill': craftsmen at U~, perhaps, technicians at M~, theoretical and research scientists at S~? I might find mathematics at +C†I~?**** – or, with philosophers, in the +C†I~-S~ arc. I don't know: I am only speculating; but mathematicians at least have some claim to be the secularised 'Holy Fools' of knowledge, drawing their structure from some pure or remote source within the Mind.

*{BUT cf. IV. [[Redbook4:44-45][19870712:1840b]{The Muses (2)}[12th July 1987],] 44. (Muses)}

**[See last previous entry, final sentence, i.e. 'But where does this leave the other side of the Circle?']

***{& see [[Redbook5:46-47][19880312:1326d]{Art and Game}[12th March 1988],] p46.}

****[cf. Neil M. Gunn, 'The Green Isle of the Great Deep' (1944): the slightly flustered comment of ‘perhaps the Green Isle’s most brilliant mathematician’, after debating mathematics with God. ‘Presently a glimmer came to the face of the Master of the Fifth, a faraway look such as occasionally troubles the face of an ordinary idiot, and he murmured softly: “One thing I will say: He fairly knows His mathematics.”’ <20171006; 20171213>]



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